There are many praying in houses, churches and ministries across our city
– of which these are just a few. Please let us know if you represent a group who’d like to link with us in praying for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done in Melbourne.
· Sundays 6.00-8.30pm Interdenominational Prayer for Melbourne from the City of Knox at a Public Housing Estate at 21 Neilson St, Bayswater (Mel 64G5) (Except first week of the month when we gather in unity with Boronia churches at rotating locations.) Contact: Sue Tinworth 0418-389-419 to confirm location.
· Mondays 10am at the moment: Interdenominational Prayer for Melbourne from the City of Whitehorse. House of Prayer for All Nations at Hays International College – 15 Hay St, Box Hill Sth. God’s focus for our Spirit led prayer is on the gospel of Jesus transforming our city and reaching the nations. Contact: 0418 389419.
· Every other Monday 10-12 noon: Interdenominational Prayer for Melbourne from the City
of Casey. Lydia Fellowship is a prayer group for women meeting in Berwick.
Contact: Debbie Williams: 9707 1934 for locations.
· 1st Tuesdays 7.30-9.00pm Melbourne Conference for Ethnic Evangelism in the Sth/East at the Jesus House Melbourne, Level 1 Dandenong Hub, 32/ 15-23 Langhorn St, Dandenong Please enter through the door closest to the Dandenong Plaza, at the back of the Hub. Contact: Pr IB Williams Kumar Abraham Phone: 9798-6707; Mobile: 0409-705-715
· 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 10. 30am except for special meetings which may be rescheduled. At Christian Life Assembly 374 Blacburn Rd, Glen Waverley Mel 70J3 (Opp Waverley Private Hosp.) Open monthly Prayer Meetings for Pastors and Leaders at Christian Life Assembly. Tuesday 8th July, 12th August, Monday 15th September: Special Meeting with Ps Rajan Thiagarajah
RSVP: Pastors Lucky & Dami Kanagasabai Phone: 9886 4799
· 3rd Wednesdays United Churches Praying in Clayton (Presbyterian, Anglican, Church of Christ and Monash Christian Fellowship.) Contact: Bill Wheaton
· Thursday 29th May 10.00am Melbourne Conference for Ethnic Evangelism prayer group in the West to be hosted by Pastor Rick Raimundo at the Hope of Life Community Church located at 8 Watt St corner Corio St in Sunshine. Contact: Ps. Rene Rivera
· 3rd Thursdays 7pm: Thursday 19th June and 17th July Interdenominational Prayer for Melbourne from Maroondah at Ringwood Church of Christ, 9-11 Bedford Rd Ringwood. Contact: Russell Kilgour . Phone at work 9547-1129.
· Fridays 9.30am. Prayer for Croydon at 56 Pascoe Ave, Croydon. Kids are welcome. Contact: Peta Schneider
· Fridays 6pm–11ish Coburg Prayer House 85a – 87 Bell Street. Enter lane through red gate and go up the stairs, above the Ferguson Plaire cake shop, (near cnr Bell St & Sydney Rd.) Contact: Salvatori Quirino 0409 480008
· Fridays 7:30-9:30pm: Interdenominational Prayer for Melbourne from the City of Stonnington led by Hope of Glory premises Level 1, 10 Wilson St, Sth Yarra. This Harp & Bowl Intercessory Worship intercedes for revival in Melbourne & Australia, the stirring of God’s passion in His church, and the harvest of the lost. Register to receive ANGELOS – local prophetic word: Contact: (03) 9826 6983
· Interdenominational Prayer for Melbourne from the City of Kingston. Prayerforce – united Kingston prayer meeting held each month in different churches, led by Kevin Harris.
Contact: Pr Chris Whiting 040-88-040-44 for dates and times.
· Melbourne Conference for Ethnic Evangelism In the North. Contact: Ps Peter Bondole 9470-2973
· Hobsons Bay Intercessors."Beth Tephillah", 55 Park Crescent, Williamstown 3016. Pastors Malcolm & Diana Dow Ph/FAX: (03) 9397 2430
· Prayer for Melbourne by Catholic Charismatic Renewal groups across Melbourne. 130-140 groups. (84 parish prayer groups and 50+ ethnic prayer groups.) Contact: Alan Panozza panozza@
Call to Citywide Prayer and Fasting
PRAYER AND FASTING 7TH DAY OF EACH MONTH. Mark your diary if you can join us
at Hays International College – 15 Hay St, Box Hill Sth. We’re praying Church leaders will hear
the call of God to unite in mission to our city.Phone to confirm the times for particular months. If you can host prayer gatherings on the 7th of each month in other regions contact: 0418 389419.
Prayer for Indigenous Ministries
Prayer group, events, national links, information on other opportunities (for employment,
support etc.) Contact Anne Green or Lyndal Walk LINC Linking Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Communities.
Market Place Prayer
God is using the market place as new wineskin Houses of Prayer and is stirring market place momentum for mission. Are you called to support marketplace prayer? Check out:
· Market Place Connections in Melbourne Peter Kentley
· International House of Prayer Kansas City. Joseph Company (Joco) Bob Hartley & Bob Fraser
· International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) Check out the extraordinary letter from Dale Neill ( International President)
24/7 Prayer
· MELBOURNE247 fosters continuous night and day 24/7 Prayer & Worship across our City. Gathering as prayer groups, prayer ministries, intercessors and worshippers from across Melbourne to share insights and prayer points and worship God as one city-wide Body. Is your prayer group registered with 24/7 Melbourne as part of the multi sited day and night prayer cover of our city? More information: Ps. Paul Lee 0402 688 203 9826 6983
· 24/7 Prayer for Melbourne from Casey. Glory Place Prayer House 313 Hallam North Rd Lysterfield South. Contact Eugene and Angelina Hoe 9700-7288
· 24/7 Salvation Army across Australia. Major Rosslyn J Casey 24/7 Prayer Coordinator Ph 08 9227 7035
Please let us know if you represent a group who’d like to link with us in praying for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done in Melbourne. These can be interdenominational groups, local church/home groups, denominational or mission focussed groups. They can be as small as 2-3 people as long as the Lord is in their midst and they are open to others. We can connect groups with unifying prayer points and events and shared prophetic understandings and put people looking for groups in touch with you. We pray there will soon links between groups in each of the 31 municipal areas of Melbourne. There were approximately 1700 prayer groups in Melbourne when revival last broke out across our city! I wonder how many there are now…