Prayer & Fasting

Why Pray and Fast?

Only God Himself can bring the changes needed in our community. It must start with the Church. Scripture and history tell us it must start with us on our knees.

Our situation in the church
  • The impact and influence of the Church has become minimal
  • Most churches work on their own, with little support from others
  • Many are struggling just to survive
  • Most people in Melbourne don’t know Jesus
  • Few churches are reaching those outside
But this can change
  • Pastors and Churches are starting to work and pray together
  • God is stirring new hope and faith
  • There is a new awareness of our great need for GOD to do it
  • Together we can reach our city with Jesus love
Why bother?
  • The Church is the only source of Hope for our city
  • God calls us to reach our city together
  • There is a new awareness of our great need for GOD to do it
  • HE will empower us as we come humbly to Him and repent
  • (2 Chron. 7:14)
Why fast?
  • We need to continue acting, but our effort alone has not worked
  • Scripture shows the people of God praying and fasting when they have been desperate for God to act
  • It shows God and us that we are serious about putting Him first
  • It makes us more focused on His call on our lives
  • The result has been He breaks in to advance His Kingdom
Why pray?
  • We all know we are to pray, but so many find it so hard to actually do it Let us decide to get serious and pray during the 40 days

What to pray

Transforming Melbourne encourages Christians to be praying and fasting for the renewing of the Church and the transforming of our city and nation.  In 2009 the 40 days prayer and fasting will happen from Ash Wednesday (Feb 25) to Palm Sunday (April 5).

Prayer Topics

  1. For the Lord Himself to Renew the Church in Melbourne
    • to seek the glory of God in all we do
    • to live by faith in God, not by finances, programmes and rules
    • to repent of all divisions, pride, suspicion and competition
    • to be motivated by God’s love and grace more than by structures
    • to share God’s heart to reach and disciple the lost
    • to be more committed to obey God rather than be comfortable
  2. For Melbourne and our local Cities and Communities
    • that the people of our city will know God’s love and blessing
    • that civic leaders will come to trust and follow Jesus
    • that justice and righteousness will prevail
    • that thestrongholds of evil, abuse and ungodliness will be broken
    • that people will no longer live and die in despair and emptiness

How to fast

Some will give up a meal a day for 40 days, or 2 meals, or give up all desserts. Some will not eat for 2 or more days a week. Some will give up TV. Some will give up all but fruit juices for 40 days. Check the fasting guidelines on our website before fasting.

The Challenge: Go beyond what is easy or comfortable. Be careful too.

The one concern of the devil is to keep the saints from prayer.
He fears nothing from the prayerless work and prayerless religion.
He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
Samuel Chadwick


Pray the Heart of God into the Heart of Europe

A Gathering of Worship and Prayer for Revival, July 7th-13th
Believers in Austria and from all over Europe are invited to join together for a week of "Repentance, Equipping & Evangelism" during the Heart of God Festival. They invite those who can to pray that the Lord will pour out His Spirit of Repentance and Revival over Austria.

Kathie Walters/AH (June 27th, 2007) Source: Austrian Mission


Prayer Groups Are Forming Across Melbourne

We have been encouraging Christians in local areas of Melbourne to assemble together to prayer for the Church and our city – and its happening! More municipal prayer groups are forming to pray for God’s transformation and more groups are linking relationally to pray as one, and to communicate what God is saying. If you would like to join us or get some more information contact:

Prayer Networks

There are many organisations and networks of prayer across Melbourne, Melbourne-wide Prayer Organisations and Ministries, Local city prayer Networks, Denominational prayer networks., Etc

The list below is under construction and lists a number but probably omits many. Please email any additions or correctionsthat you know of.

Melbourne wide prayer organisations and mnistries:

Intercessors for Melbourne

IFM is an inter- church network of those people called to pray for our city, for the renewal of the church and the salvation of the unsaved. (Is 62:6 Luke 10:2)

  • Teaching, training and encouraging intercessors
  • Forming a wider network of intercessors
  • Developing relationships, unity and vision
  • Facilitating local prayer groups in each municipality
  • Developing relationships of IFM Prayer Groups with Local Pastor's
  • Upholding the church of every denomination
  • Praying for renewal of the church
  • Praying in the harvest for the kingdom
  • Hearing from the Lord together and praying prophetically
Research & Mapping for informed prayer

We are forming teams for researching the needs of every area and the wider city to enable prayer to be more informed and focussed. For information call Mr. Bob Flavell (Phone: 9555 5281)

"Watchman" is the Newsletter produced by Intercessors for Melbourne published about four times a year. Call Tony Stevens to subscribe.

IFM Conference Days

IFM meets 4 – 6 times a years for Worship – Teaching – Prayer Walking – Intercession – Fellowship
At Swanston Street Church of Christ (nr Lt Lonsdale St)
Contact Information
General Info: Mrs Maree Wilson Phone: 9716 2886
Administrator: Mr Tony Stevens Ph: 9776 1940

Focus Minstry

A grorp committed to pray for Melbourne – especially the CBD meeting monthly in the salvation army citadel in Bourke street. Contact: Pastor Leonie Allen (PHONE: 9758 7059)

Catch the fire

A pentecostal prayer meeting on the first Friday of each month. Contact: Danny Nalliah (PHONE:9799 9630)

Local City Prayer Networks

Our aim (with IFM) is to foster a network of Christians from all the local churches in each of the 31 local (municipal) cities across Melbourne.

Details of these and their contacts will appear under "Praying for local cities" on this website

Denominational prayer networks. We understand there are a number of these, but details not available as yet.


Strategy for Prayer


A Strategy to Maintain our Momentum in Prayer

The following points are suggested:

1. 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Melbourne every year
– Preparation meetings 2 weeks ahead to instruct on prayer and fasting, and to consider our focus for the 40 days ahead
– Give clear direction/ warnings/ accountability for Fasting
– Church leaders publicly launch “Love Melbourne 2001”
      Prayer and Fasting” on Ash Wednesday with report on this year.

2. Weekly Combined prayer meetings in each local city

3. Occasional gatherings of all Christians to pray and worship in the centre of Melbourne

4. Invite all Christians to the top of the Rialto every 6 months to Pray over the City (The next: 9am Sat. 5th August)
The Pastors will meet there on alternate 6 months (The next will be 9am Sat. 6th May, Sat. 4th Nov.) THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POST-PONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

5. Some people will fast on Thursdays till 5pm  Suggest each person ask the Holy Spirit to give a focus for this eg  the unchurched / drug problem/ getting closer to God, etc

6. Mapping physical, social and spiritual strongholds in each Area of the city and target these in prayer
To be described by Tom White at Prayer Seminar 16, 17 May

7. Details of this mapping and answers to prayer to be published on Love Melbourne website

8. Intercessors for Melbourne provide training for prayer

9. Everyone’s insights and suggestions are welcome.

For more Info & to offer your ideas, support and  answers to prayer: Email us at:

OR Contact: Intercessors for Melbourne:  Phone: 9716 2886   


Prayer Walking

A short course in prayerwalking

In hundreds of cities across the globe, ordinary believers are prayer-walking through the streets of their communities. They pray while walking, with eyes open for the spiritual awakening God is bringing. We define prayer-walking as "praying on-site with insight."

There is no set pattern or proven formula. Prayer-walkers have set out with every imaginable style. There’s nothing magic at all in the footsteps. God’s Spirit is simply helping us to pray with persistent spontaneity in the midst of the very settings in which we expect him to answer our prayers. We instinctively draw near to those for whom we pray.

Getting up close to the community focuses our prayer. We sharpen our prayers by concentrating on specific homes and families. But we enlarge our praying as well, crying out for entire communities to know God’s healing presence.

Quiet prayer-walks complement more high-profile praise marches and prayer rallies. Worship and warfare blend with intercession that Christ would be welcomed as Lord by many throughout the entire city.

Prayer-walks give us a simple way to continually fill our streets with prayer. Many are praying city-size prayers while ranging throughout their towns with disciplined regularity in small bands of two or three. Thus prayer-walkers keep near their neighbours in order to touch our cities with the gospel and transforming service. Quiet triumphs often follow as God changes the city day by day and house by house.

How to get started prayer-walking

Join with other believers.

Join your faith with others to help prayer flow in an engaging conversational style. Large groups sometimes fail to give everyone a chance to participate. Pairs and triplets work best. Set aside time. Allowing one or two full hours gives prayer-walkers a good chance to manage preliminaries and follow-up discussions, although much can be done in less time.

Choose an area.

Ask God to guide you. It’s best by far to learn the joys of prayer-walking in unfamiliar neighbourhoods. You’ll return quickly to your own neighbourhood with fresh vision. Centres of commerce and religion are fascinating, but there’s nothing like touching families, schools and churches in residential areas. Use elevated points to pray over a panorama.

Linger at specific sites which seem to be key.

Pray with insight. Pray for the people you see. As you do, you might find the Spirit of God recalibrating your heart with his own sensitivities. Enhance these responsive insights with research done beforehand. Use knowledge of past events and current trends to enrich intercession. Above all, pray Scripture.

Focus on God.

Make God’s promises rather than Satan’s schemes the highlight of your prayer. Your discernment of evil powers may at times exceed God’s specific guidance to engage them in direct combat. Consider the simplicity of first making direct appeal to the throne of God before attempting to pick street fights with demonic powers. Seek a restraining order from heaven upon evil so that God’s empowered people may bring forth God’s intended blessings on the city Regather and report. Share what you have experienced and prayed. Expressing something of your insights and faith will encourage others–as well as yourself. Set plans for further prayer-walking.

Coordinate efforts.

Enlist other praying people to join with friends to cover special areas. Give leadership by forming and mixing prayer bands. Seek to collect written notes recording which areas have been covered and what kinds of prayers have been prayed. Pool your insights to ascertain whether God is prompting a repeated focus on particular areas. Eventually aim to cover your entire town or city, unless God guides otherwise.

Attempt to keep every prayer pertinent to the specific community you pass through. As you do, you will find prayers naturally progress to the nation and to the world.

Themes for prayer-walking

Use a theme passage of Scripture. Unless God guides you to use another, try 1 Timothy 2:1-10. Many have found it to be a useful launching point for prayer-walking. Verse 8 speaks of the important territorial dimension to prayer connected with God’s desire that all people be saved,"I want the men in every place to pray"(italics added).

Copy this and other passages in a format easy to read aloud several times during your walk.

Each of the following prayer points emerges from this passage.

Concerning Christ:
Proclaim him afresh to be the one Mediator and the ransom for all. Name him Lord of the neighbourhood and of the lives you see.

Concerning leaders:
Pray for people responsible in any position of authority — for teachers, police, administrators and parents.

Concerning peace:
Cry out for the godliness and holiness of God’s people to increase into substantial peace. Pray for new churches to be established.

Concerning truth:
Declare openly the bedrock reality that there is one God. Celebrate the faithful revelation of his truth to all peoples through ordinary people (1 Tim.2:8). Pray that the eyes of minds would cease to be blinded by Satan so that they could come to a knowledge of the truth.

Concerning the gospel:
Praise God for his heart’s desire that all people be saved. Ask that heaven would designate this year as a "proper time" for the testimony of Christ to be given afresh with simple power (1 Tim.2:6), Name specific people.

Concerning the blessing of God:
Thanksgivings are to be made on behalf of all people. Give God the explicit thanks he deserves for the goodness he constantly bestows on the homes you pass by. Ask to see the city with his eyes, that you might sense what is good and pleasing in his sight as well as what things grieve him deeply. Ask God to bring forth an enduring spiritual awakening.

Concerning the church:
Ask for healing in relationships, that there be no wrath or dissension among God’s people. Ask that God would make his people, men and women alike, expressive in worship with the substance of radiant, relational holiness. Ask that our worship would be adorned with the confirming power of saints doing good in our communities.

Excerpt from “Prayerwalking” by Steve Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick (Creation House)


Spiritual Mapping

When the people of Israel reached the hill country of the Amorites, part of the land God had promised them, the type of place they longed to live in/dreamed about, Moses selected a man from each of the different tribes and sent them ahead to explore the land. The idea was to work out the best route, provide feedback on what type of cities were there, the number of people, howstrong they were, type of terrain, how fertile soil was/state of local economy, including bringing back samples of fruit/produce (Deuteronomy 1:20; Numbers 13:1).

Before leading the people of Israel into the promised land of Canaan Joshua sent 2 spies to secretly explore the land (including City of Jericho). When they relayed back to the Israelites how God had delivered them on their mission and how the inhabitants were scared of them because God was with them, hearing of His deliverance from the Egyptians (Red Sea), His defeat of the Amorite kings, the people were greatly encouraged. Their faith was greatly strengthened (Joshua 2:1).

When the people of Israel finally conquered the land, Joshua sent out 3 men from each of the different tribes to map out the whole country to help resolve which areas of the promised land each tribe would possess (Joshua 18:4).

In Moses time some of those who explored the land believed God, believed that He could overcome any opposition/threats, the enemy, so that they could possess the land/fulfil their destiny. However others were fearful, did not trust God, did not view the land from God’s perspective, did not see what was possible through faith.

Part of spiritual mapping is allowing God to open our eyes to see our City as He sees it. This is by a process of researching local history and current issues in a spirit of prayer. There may be some Christians amongst your local church network that have particular gifts in gaining spiritual insights, discernment. Prayer-walking can also be a valuable tool.

What God sees, includes obstacles to our City being transformed. Transformed in a similar way to what we have seen with other cities in the Transformation videos. Obstacles could include where Satan exerts thestrongest influence, where there is resistance to the spreading of and acceptance of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. No-one can break into astrong man’s house and take away his belongings unless he first ties up thestrong man; then he can plunder his house (Matthew 12:28).

Spiritual mapping helps the intercessors/pray-ers understand what God’s prayer priorities are at a given point in time, provides insights into how to pray, helps them receive prayer burdens from the Lord to be prayed through. Spiritual mapping helps sustain the momentum of City-wide prayer networks.

Spiritual mapping is not an end in itself but rather something that inspires and facilitates united prayer to transform and bless our cities and local communities. Prayer that strengthens Christ-centred households (includes households of one), increases the number of Christ-centred households, which leads to Christ-centred streets, which leads to Christ-centred suburbs, which leads to Christ-centred cities and when we have enough of these the City of Greater Melbourne will have been transformed !

In the City of Kingston in which I live, a spiritual mapping group has been operating for about 21 months now, chaired by Bob Flavell (Christ Church Dingley). Bob also has involvement with Intercessors for Melbourne. Members of our mapping group over time have included representatives from all different tribes ie Anglican, AOG, Baptist, Catholic, CRC, Independent, Salvation Army.

One of our tasks has been to develop regular monthly Kingston prayer-points, including those that are suburb-specific. These are published in a monthly Kingston Prayerforce Newsletter which is used at the various prayer meetings held throughout the City where Christians from all the different churches come together in united prayer. This started as a combined monthly prayer gathering and this still continues, but has also grown to separate night and day monthly prayer meetings for churches in the north of Kingston as well as night and day monthly prayer meetings for churches in the south of Kingston.

I am aware that some spiritual mapping has gone on in the City of Monash, Intercessors for Melbourne have been involved in spiritual mapping to varying degrees in different parts of Melbourne, Youth With A Mission has been active in this area. Outside of Melbourne there is Victoria’s longest-running Transformation initiative in Pray Bendigo, where Rev John Steele would be a valuable source of information on spiritual mapping. Bendigo churches have received assistance from Brian Pickering (Sydney-based) from the Australian Prayer Network. Brian has also facilitated a similar initiative with Greater Geelong churches, including spiritual mapping.

This of course will not be the sum total of all recent spiritual mapping activities in Melbourne. So it would be good to hear about where else the kingdom of God is growing facilitated by spiritual mapping ? The Transforming Melbourne website could be a valuable resource in helping those of us interested in spiritual mapping to network better.

So if you have any questions, information/news to share or simply interested in spiritual mapping or perhaps in developing a local prayer network, please email me

…Your kingdom come to our city, Your will be done in our city, As it is in heaven…
Come, Lord Jesus Come

Gary Cuthell
St John Vianney, Parkdale
Kingston Prayerforce


Prayer Resources

There are great numbers of resources.


"The coming revival" Dr Bill Bright – The unique place of fasting in seeing God break in

"Transforming power of prayer and fasting" Dr Bill Bright – Powerful testimonies of periods of Prayer and Fasting on individuals, churches and cities

"Praying the price" Dr. Stuart Robinson – Excellent practical helps and inspiration

"Informed intercession" George Otis Jr. – The background to the "Transformations" video, describing the need for detailed information of the areas you pray for that leads to detailed prayer and thus to communities being transformed.


"Fasting in the scriptures" By Rev. Denis Plant, Coordinator of "Intercessors for Melbourne"

Send $5 to Melbourne Pastors Network

Web Links


Fasting: How & Why

Fasting: What is it? Why do it?

(Notes by Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ)

Fasting is the most powerful of all the Christian spiritual disciplines.

Through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life. Fasting and prayer can also work on a much grander scale. According to Scripture, personal experience and observation, I am convinced that when God’s people fast with a proper Biblical motive- with broken, repentant, and contrite spirit – God will hear from heaven and heal our lives, our churches, our communities, our nation and world.

Fasting and prayer bring about revival – a change in the direction of our nation, and the nations of earth and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

The awesome power can be released through you as you fast through the enabling of the Holy Spirit. Yet fasting is one of the most neglected spiritual admonitions. In fact, it has been ignored for so long that it is difficult to find information on the "how-to’s" of this life-changing experience.

The Power and Importance of Fasting:

Fasting was an expected discipline in both the Old and New Testament eras. For example, Moses fasted at least two recorded forty-day periods. Jesus fasted 40 days and reminded His followers to fast, "when you fast," not if you fast.

  • Fasting and prayer can restore the loss of the "first love" for your Lord and result in a more intimate relationship with Christ.
  • Fasting is a biblical way to truly humble yourself in the sight of God (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21). King David said, "I humble myself through fasting."
  • Fasting enables the Holy Spirit to reveal your true spiritual condition, resulting in brokenness, repentance, and a transformed life.
  • The Holy Spirit will quicken the Word of God in your heart and His truth will become more meaningful to you!
  • Fasting can transform your prayer life into a richer and more personal experience.
  • Fasting can result in a dynamic personal revival in your own life-and make you a channel of revival to others.
  • Fasting and prayer are the only disciplines that fulfill the requirements of II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." If you fast, you will find yourself being humbled as I did. You will discover more time to pray and seek God’s face. And as He leads you to recognize and repent of unconfessed sin, you will experience special blessings from God.

Types of Fasts

The Normal Fast:Drinking only water and juice (Luke 4:1,2)

The Partial Fast:The restriction of diet, such as Daniel eating only grains, fruits and vegetables and drinking only water (Daniel 1:15)

The Absolute Fast:Refraining from both food and water. This type of fast is not to exceed three days.

Specific Fast:The abstinence from something that brings pleasure such as media, a favorite food, beverage or recreation.

Congregational Fast:Joining together with your local body and/or small group to "tag team" on an extended fast (ie. one person fasts one day, the next the next day, etc…)

Practical Steps to Fasting

1. Set Your Objective

Ask God for a specific focus for your fast, to help you pray more purposefully

2. Make Your Commitment

Commit to which type and length of fast you will do.
Decide what physical or social activities you may restrict.
Set a daily amount of time you will devote to prayer

3. Prepare Yourself Spiritually

Confess every sin that the Holy Spirit brings to mind and resolve any disputes/ sin with others. Do not underestimate spiritual opposition – we are dangerous to Satan!

4. Prepare Yourself Physically

Start eating less before your fast, avoiding high fat and sugar foods. Eat raw fruits and vegetables two days prior to fasting. It is not unusual for there to be some symptoms of crankiness, dizziness and tiredness during the fast.

5. Exercise moderately

Avoid high aerobic activities.

6. End Your Fast Gradually

Break your fast with fruit such as watermelon. While continuing to drink fruit or vegetable juices, slowly reintroduce fresh foods with several small snacks over the first several days, avoiding anything processed.

7. Expect Results

God has promised to move when his children humble themselves and wholeheartedly seek His face.

Additional Resources:

  • Spiritual Disciplines For the Christian Life, Donald S. Whitney, NavPress, c.1991
  • The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard, Harper & Row, Publishers, c.1988
  • Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster, Harper & Row, Publishers, c.1978
  • 7 Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer, Bill Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ, c. 2000

More information on fasting from including:

  • How to fast safely?
  • How long and what type of fast is right for you?
  • How to prepare yourself spiritually and physically?
  • How to manage your schedule while fasting?
  • How to deal with the responses of friends and loved ones?
  • How to make your spiritual experience the best it can be?
  • How to maintain nutritional balance and health from beginning to end (including specific juice and broth recipes)?
  • What physical benefits to expect?
  • How to finish your fast and return to your normal schedule in a Healthy way?


Fasting Warning

Fasting can be dangerous !!

Do not undertake a severe or lengthy fast without consulting a doctor!

And If you have had major illness (physical or mental) you have a history of drug-taking you cannot limit your physical activity

  • Tell someone you are fasting
  • Stop if you have any ill effects – mental confusion or disturbance, physical pain, etc See a doctor straight away
  • Break the fast carefully with nutrients
