
We Need Unity!

Any denomination, church, ministry or organisation that thinks they can carry out the work of the Kingdom alone has too small a vision of God’s Kingdom.

If God says He needs the whole Body of Christ to relate and work together then we certainly do!

Around the world and across Australia God is bringing His people together. There have been movements among lay-people to get together for prayer and a united witness to  their city and nation. In the past 3 years many more local pastors have started to meet together regularly to share and  pray.  Pastors, clergy, priests from different denominations and traditions are becoming  friends and colleagues and prayer partners.  Pastors worshiping and ministering together.

Barriers are being dropped as long-standing enmity, ignorance or division have been dealt with  through acts of repentance and forgiveness between pastors and even churches.

This is starting to happen in many areas around Melbourne, and in most major cities in Australia.

Melbourne Pastors Network

This is an initiative to encourage pastors to build relationships and pray together.
Initially this is to foster local and regional pastors fellowships.
It is expected that it will lead to occasional city-wide pastors fellowship meetings.
It is also hoped it will lead to consultation and a publishing of all major church events in Melbourne.

What Can We Do?

We Need To Be Intentional:

God’s Holy Spirit is bringing pastors together, but we need to be taking our part.
This is a time to reach our to neighbouring pastors, clergy, priests.  Call in to meet them.  Get together for lunch and to get to know each other.  Take time to pray together.

Rejoice In What We Have In Common:

As God’s people we have such riches in Christ that we share!
Let us focus on Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord and Loving Saviour and our common task to reach our city for Him.

There is so much to unite us in all we share in Christ and in ministry.  At the same time, let us recognise our diversity in style and emphasis all has a place in the Body of Christ.  It is good to be different – God planned it that way, and gave each of us, and each of our churches different strengths and ministries.  Let us value how we complement one another, and encourage one another in our common task in the Kingdom.

The issue is NOT bringing all the churches into one big structured organisation, but to be a movement of many different churches and congregations, praying and sharing and serving together in love.

There will always be the ministry within the local church.  The challenge is to lift our vision beyond our own walls, to share together in the wider Church of God.


What is Transforming Melbourne?

Welcome to  “Transforming Melbourne”  

Through the Unity, Servanthood and Prayer of the whole Church

for God to Renew His Church and Transform our City

  “Transforming Melbourne” is a Movement of Christians praying and acting together with the vision that God will renew His Church and not only bring new life to the people of our city, but transform its culture and society. 


The ministry of Transforming Melbourne grew out of a conviction that the Lord’s heart for the Church and His strategy for evangelism was expressed in His prayer in John 17:

“that we would be one, as he and the Father are one, that the world would know who He is”.

This has led to a passion to see the Body of Christ, including all denominations, relating and praying in unity with a common heart and vision to see the Church renewed and the Lord transform every part of Greater Melbourne. It began in 1996 as the Melbourne Pastors Network with a vision for “One Church in Melbourne with many congregations”. and for the pastors and churches in each of the 31 local cities to meet and share and pray together.

VISION: To see the whole Church in Melbourne become a united missionary movement, working and praying together to bring the compassion and salvation of Jesus to every people group and see our City Transformed.  This vision is encapsulated in the motto:


Transforming Melbourne “through the unity, servanthood and prayer of the Whole Church”


KEY VALUES: The key values that underpin the vision are:

  • Servanthood and humility

  • Prayer

  • Unity

STRATEGY: A Strategic Approach

We will communicate and impart our vision to the Church at large in Melbourne through these key strategic approaches.

  • Promoting the unity and renewal of the whole Church and its ministry to our city.

  • Working with local pastors’ to encourage relational unity between them in each of the 31 local cities of Melbourne.

  • Working to raise the level of prayer across the Church – especially sustained, united prayer.

  • Undertaking research to identify issues impacting the Church in Melbourne.

  • Communicating the vision and activities of Transforming Melbourne to individual Christians in Melbourne who are committed to the unity of the “Whole Body” and a transformed community.

  • Develop the administration and support for T/M ministry 

The name “Transforming Melbourne” was introduced in 2001 with the second 40 days of Prayer and Fasting for our city.  (The first “40 days” in 2000 was under the name “Love Melbourne” when a few hundred people joined in the fast). 

Since then under the new name, thousands of Christians and churches from most denominations have joined in praying and fasting and the wider activities of this movement. “Transforming Melbourne” is now the name and the vision for this movement.  

Those involved include: Melbourne Pastors Network, Awakening, Intercessors for Melbourne, other organisations promoting prayer, and Christians of many denominations and local pastors and churches in every area of Greater Melbourne. 



* Foster Pastors Networks in 31 Local Cities of Melbourne: working with pastors of all denominations to build unity in relationships and prayer and to adopt the vision of being “One Church to pastor our whole city”.

* Organise the Melbourne Pastors and Leaders Prayer Summit: an annual 4-day time of prayer, worship and ministry for pastors and leaders of all denominations to seek God together and bring renewal of personal faith and vision for local and citywide ministry as One Body.

* Communicate with Heads of Churches and leaders of Christian Ministry Organisations to promote and support the vision of being One Church to reach the City.

* Maintaining a database of churches, pastors and key Christian leaders, and providing regular contact through leaders emails.


* Initiate and coordinate the “TRANSFORMING MELBOURNE” movement of prayer

 –  Organising 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Melbourne and each local city

 –  Fostering regular combined church prayer meetings in every local city

 –  Encouraging research of local community resources, needs and problems to allow focused prayer and to develop expectation of measurable answers to prayer

* Discover, work with and build an awareness of the many independent prayer activities and organisations, to encourage cooperation and unity in prayer across the city


Develop an awareness and potential of the One Church through:

* The “TRANSFORMING MELBOURNE” website and regular E-Letters, to inform and inspire Christians across the city with what God is doing, how to be part of the movement to see our city transformed and resources on unity, prayer and other key issues for pastors and leaders.

* The “Melbourne Christian Events Calendar”, and a “Directory of Christian Ministry Organisations” and other resources available on the website


* Christian Business Network (Now led by Aust. Marketplace Connections): networking the many Christian groups meeting across the city, encouraging Christians to see their workplace as a place of ministry (sacred, not secular), training Christians for leadership in business and politics, intentional outreach in the marketplace (Business Alpha, etc).

* Multicultural Network: fostering intentional inclusion of people of all cultures and ethnic groups in the life and leadership of local churches.  Supporting and encouraging pastors of ethnic churches to feel included in the wider Body of the Church.

* Youth and Children’s Ministry Networks:  gathering together those working to reach the one million Under-30s in Melbourne outside the Church.  Involves the youth and children’s directors of denominations and leaders of organisations involved in youth and children’s ministry working strategically together to reach their generation for Christ.

* Other Strategic Networks:  there is great value in having Christians in the main sectors of society relate and work together to bring intentional Christian influence and leadership in their sector.  Eg: Education, Health and Welfare, Law and Government, Media, Entertainment and Sport. A number of sectors have such networks. There is a vision to bring representatives of each sector together in an annual “Citywide Strategic Roundtable” 


* Rediscover and communicate the Christian foundations of Melbourne
 –        the contribution of the Church to founding the many social institutions
 –        the Christian principles that are the foundations of our society

* Rediscover how God has touched our cities and nation in the great revivals

* Be aware of how much the Church contributes to the social welfare of the community.  Knowing our Christian Heritage builds faith and inspires boldness in our stand for Christ.  If we don’t know this information, we can be sure the rest of society won’t.  Without this information there is little reason for society to respect or retain the Christian values that are the basis of our civilisation, but which are now being eroded as irrelevant.  This process unchecked would lead to the collapse of social order, or systems such as “sharia law”. 

For more information Email: office@transformingmelbourne.org or to become a partner in the vision click here     


What People Are Saying

What People Are Saying About “Unity in the Church”

“Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste” – Jesus Matt. 12:25

“We need to move from a local church vision to a city church vision.” “We need strong preaching on repentance and forgiveness – repenting of isolation and independence in the church.” “Pastors sharing together is vital – but not just because it is the thing to do, but arising out of a heart for unity.” Ken Gott (AOG Sunderland, UK)

“The extraordinary results of the Portland Crusade can only be explained in terms of the unity and combined prayer of the pastors and churches across the city.” Billy Graham after the 1992 Portland Crusade

“The world isn’t looking for denominations. It is looking for a Church in unity. It’s only a body in unity and harmony that will win the world” – “Washington for Jesus” brochure April 96

“It takes the whole Church with the whole Gospel to reach the whole city.” Ed Silvoso “That None Should Perish”

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity ..For there the Lord bestows His blessing – even life forevermore” Psalm 133

“Reconciliation will come between believers only through the cross, regardless of race or history. Unbelievers cannot be reconciled to each other, because the only path to reconciliation is through the cross.

This places incredible responsibility on the Christian community, both black and white, to humble ourselves and pray, and turn from our wicked ways and the events of the past that have separated us, and seek His face together. Only in this way will the curse of hatred which is the fruit of injustice, be broken over this land.” Brian Pickering, Spirit Alive Australia

While we act as 100’s of independent groups, in competition and suspicion, with little relationship, we deny Christ and leave the un-churched untouched and the nation in the enemy’s hands.

“Our separate, isolated efforts will not stop the flood of increasing evil in our cities … our cities are in disorder because the Church is in disorder … the direction of each city will rest upon the condition of the Church in that city …if the Church is united and praying together there will be hope for that area” Francis Frangipane “House of the Lord”

“The thing territorial spirits fear the most is the unity of pastors, and through them the unity of the Body of Christ” Peter Wagner “Churches that Pray”

“Unity among pastors is essential for spiritual anointing and authority to preach and heal in the city. When there is a high level of unity among the pastors there will be a high level of anointing and power from God on the crusades in that city. When there is little unity among the pastors there will be little anointing and power.” Carlos Anacondia, Argentinian Evangelist

“When pastors come together in a city, all heaven is going to break loose! The city has never seen and the devil has always feared a “city-church” of Christians moving in unity! Bob Fox, “Cornerstone” Pastors Network, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

“So there should be no division in the Body, but its parts should have equal concern for one another. You are the Body of Christ and each of you is a part of it.” – Paul 1 Corinthians 12:25

“It would be so exciting if the churches came together!” A lady on the tram

“Jesus prayed for unity within the Church, but we’ve yet to see it happen. In fact, what’s taken place is just the reverse: the house of God has become a broken home. And broken homes have little to say to a broken world. If we as Christians are to make a difference in our culture, we must come together and become one again; we must unleash the power God has given us, His family, to claim our streets and neighbourhoods for Christ.” Dr. Joe Aldrich, President of Multnomah Bible College, Portland, Oregon, USA

“I have given them the glory that they may be one as we are one….May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me” – Jesus John 17:21

Pictures of the “One Church in the City”

Local pastors

sharing their journeys and visions, valuing each others gifts and styles, relating in love and commitment, pastoring each other, being mutually accountable and supportive, spending time in prayer for each other and their community.

Individual churches

Honouring The Church of their area above themselves: being known first as part of (eg) “The Church of Bayside” and secondly as St John’s Anglican or Hampton AOG. Worshiping together several times a year, joining together in outreach and community care, praying for each other during worship, supporting each other in finance, resources and manpower, developing deliberate united links with civic authorities and media, recognising and drawing on each other’s ministry strengths, doing nothing individually that could be done together.

Demonstrating the power of the Cross in the way they relate together.

Being a team for the Kingdom in their area.



Our vision is to see the whole of greater Melbourne transformed by God. However a major focus of Transforming Melbourne is on local cities, because

  • The local city is where the Church is earthed to community
  • Pastors and Christians can relate at local city level
  • People can pray about the issues of their local community
  • The local city is where the Church can impact civic leadership
  • The local city is where the Church is most closely watched
  • Few Christians have a detailed knowledge of Greater Melbourne

And, if there is prayer for every local city, the whole of Melbourne will be prayed for.

We Need Unity!

Any denomination, church, ministry or organisation that thinks they can carry out the work of the Kingdom alone has too small a vision of God’s Kingdom.

If God says He needs the whole Body of Christ to relate and work together then we certainly do!

Around the world and across Australia God is bringing His people together. There have been movements among Lay-people to get together for prayer and a united witness to  their city and nation. In the past 3 years many more local pastors have started to meet together regularly to share and  pray.  Pastors, clergy, priests from different denominations and traditions are becoming  friends and colleagues and prayer partners.  Pastors worshiping and ministering together.

Barriers are being dropped as long-standing enmity, ignorance or division have been dealt with  through acts of repentance and forgiveness between pastors and even churches.

This is starting to happen in many areas around Melbourne, and in most major cities in Australia.

Melbourne Pastors Network

This is an initiative to encourage pastors to build relationships and pray together.
Initially this is to foster local and regional pastors fellowships.
It is expected that it will lead to occasional city-wide pastors fellowship meetings.
It is also hoped it will lead to consultation and a publishing of all major church events in Melbourne.

What Can We Do?

We Need To Be Intentional:

God’s Holy Spirit is bringing pastors together, but we need to be taking our part.
This is a time to reach our to neighbouring pastors, clergy, priests.  Call in to meet them.  Get together for lunch and to get to know each other.  Take time to pray together.

Rejoice In What We Have In Common:

As God’s people we have such riches in Christ that we share!
Let us focus on Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord and Loving Saviour and our common task to reach our city for Him.

There is so much to unite us in all we share in Christ and in ministry.  At the same time, let us recognise our diversity in style and emphasis all has a place in the Body of Christ.  It is good to be different – God planned it that way, and gave each of us, and each of our churches different strengths and ministries.  Let us value how we complement one another, and encourage one another in our common task in the Kingdom.

The issue is NOT bringing all the churches into one big structured organisation, but to be a movement of many different churches and congregations, praying and sharing and serving together in love.

There will always be the ministry within the local church.  The challenge is to lift our vision beyond our own walls, to share together in the wider Church of God.



Who Are We?

TRANSFORMING MELBOURNE is a movement of Christians across Greater Melbourne working and praying together for God to renew the Church and transform our city. It involves people and Churches from almost all denominations, many prayer ministries and Christian organisations.

Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network are organised and coordinated by a small team of people who have a passion for the Kingdom of God in this city.


Rev. Rob Isaachsen – Coordinator of MELBOURNE PASTORS NETWORK 

Rob was ordained as an Anglican minister in Melbourne, Australia and served as Vicar of Christ Church, Dingley for 19 years. Rob has traveled widely in mission situations in East Africa, Asia and PNG with CMS, OMF and APCM (now Pioneers). In 1996 Rob left Dingley, and began the “Melbourne Pastors Network” with the vision of seeing unity in the Body of Christ across Melbourne. He has worked to foster networks of pastors and churches in each of the 31 local cities of Melbourne relating and praying to pastor their whole communities together. He has also organised the Melbourne Pastors Prayer Summit for 7 years with pastors from over 20 denominations and coordinates the “Transforming Melbourne” movement of prayer, which is focused on an annual 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for the Church and Greater Melbourne.  

Lois Isaachsen – Intercessor
Sue Tinworth – Prayer Coordinator
Ruth Allison – Intercessor
Nofoao Thomas – Intercessor
Rosemary Breyley – Administrative Assistant
Sheryl Minns – Office Administrator
Jenni Kneebone – Office Volunteer
Dorothy Coleman – Office Volunteer
Bruce Seamer – IT Team Member
Richard Harvey – IT Team Member
Ben Van der Merwe – IT Team Member
Phillip Hughes – Research (All Melbourne Matters)
Kitty Cheng – Journalist & Communications

The management and accountability of this ministry is taken very seriously. The Servant Leader Team of key pastors provides the spiritual oversight. These pastors are appointed at the annual Melbourne Pastors’ Prayer Summit.


Richard Kasperczyk (Chairman), Pastor Graeme Cann, Neil Flavel, Colonel David Jamison, Peter Earnshaw and Rev. Rob Isaachsen.


This is a faith ministry.  We rely on individuals and churches to provide support for the ministries of Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network and for Rob Isaachsen in his role as coordinator.  Up till now Rob has relied on a few individual churches and friends who share his vision to provide finance.  For this vital ministry to continue and develop, we need churches, business people and other concerned individuals to be financial partners by providing regular contributions. To become a partner click here


It is only the Lord who can transform lives and communities, but He invites us to partner with Him through obedience and through expectant prayer.   So, we invite you to become a Prayer Partner in this Vision and receive our monthly PARTNERS NEWS or join us for prayer in our office or other times, as you are able.  For more information contact us


Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network (which is part of the same ministry) has no fixed income.  They depend on those who share Gods Vision for the Church and our City to contribute financially (see our partner churches).  Transforming Melbourne is an incorporated body with a registered Board of Management and transparent accountability. As well as needing finances to enable us to take up the unique opportunities the Lord has given us, we now need to find a skilled administrator who we will pay at least part-time. We invite you to become a Financial Partner in this Vision by completing the attached PARTNERSHIP INVITATION click here.

For more information contact: office@transformingmelbourne.org or to become a partner click here


Micah Challenge


What can one Church Do?

All of us care about poverty and want to see justice in our world but the problems seem so big that we feel powerless to achieve any real change. Church programs are already packed with important activities for growth and mission – so ‘What can one Church Do?’

The truth is one person and one church can do a lot. A new CD for churches (and individuals) is available in mid March. For more details on the content, see http://www.micahchallenge.org.au/resource/WhatCanOneChurchDoblurbsforeachdoc.pdf

Email info@micahchallenge.org.au to order your copy. Please include your name and full postal address.

Bono speaks out on faith and poverty at US National Prayer Breakfast

Bono spoke last month to an audience including President Bush, at the National Prayer Breakfast. Here is a short extract

“God is in the slums, in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house. God is in the silence of a mother who has infected her child with a virus that will end both their lives. God is in the cries heard under the rubble of war. God is in the debris of wasted opportunity and lives, and God is with us if we are with them. "If you remove the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness, and if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like midday and the Lord will continually guide you and satisfy your desire in scorched places."

For the full speech, see http://www.data.org/archives/000774.php

As many of you will know, U2 is touring Australia in April. Watch out for interviews and articles about Bono’s stand on poverty issues – use the opportunity to talk to friends about the issues and about supporting Make Poverty History.

What is happening in 2006?

Look out for various events and times throughout the year – make a space in your diary/planner NOW and check the website for details closer to the time. See http://www.micahchallenge.org.au/resource/10thingstodoin2006.pdf

Take the Challenge – website for young people

16 – 30 years? Go to www.takethechallenge.org.au to register for faith and life challenges on poverty, mercy and justice.

Prayer is the key to change

Pray for the people who make decisions about our national Budget – tax cuts may be in the pipeline, but we can afford spending on poverty reduction.

Please pray for wisdom and insight for Christian leaders in Australia.

Actions you can take in March/April

        • Get a copy of the new CD – What Can One Church Do? If your church or group would like a copy, please email info@micahchallenge.org.au or ring 02 9453 1586. This resource is for busy churches and groups that want to care about poverty issues but need some ideas on how to start; that want to explore Biblical ideas on justice; and it’s for anyone who has said, “The problems are so big…. What can I do?”
      • April 9 in Melbourne, there is the chance to hear Jim Wallis, author of the best seller, God’s Politics and head of Sojourners in the USA – see http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=sojomail.home . Put the date in your diary now as Jim Wallis is an inspiring speaker on faith, ethics and politics. 2pm till 4pm at Melbourne Town Hall. He will do a book signing and copies of the Micah CD, What can one church do? will be available.

Download a postcard flier from the website http://www.micahchallengejim wallis visitMicah Chall Wallis postcard.pdf

You can donate money or time

Thank you to those who have donated to Micah Challenge. It costs money to keep the websites running, produce resources and do lobbying. We also want to send money to the international campaign so that campaigns in the developing world can grow.

You can donate to Micah Challenge using the form at http://www.micahchallenge.org.au/pages/content.asp?plid=32 .

Or you may want to donate through your favourite Christian agency which supports the campaign and mark your donation, “Micah Challenge”.

If you live close to the Micah office and have some financial expertise, we would love your help for one day per month to help us keep our accounts accurate. Please contact Amanda on 02 9453 1586

There are Micah groups in every state, which would love your time and expertise. It may be a short-term or longer-term involvement. See http://www.micahchallenge.org.au/pages/content.asp?plid=7 for details.

Quote of the Month

“Nothing short of the Holy Spirit can really help forward the cause of righteousness on earth”.

Elizabeth Fry, wife, mother of 11 and prison reformer who recognized that faith and action are inextricably linked.


Partnership Form

Transforming Melbourne Inc.  ABN: 23 457 205 519



PARTNERSHIP FORM – download the partnership form

Name:  ………………………………………………………..…..… Date:   ………..……

Address:   …………………………..………………………..…………P/Code: ………….

Church:  ……………………………….…    Business: ……………………………………..

Email:………………………..………..….………………  Phone:  …………………………



All Partners receive a monthly Prayer Letter with the latest news of our Ministry

Regular Prayer for the ministry of TRANSFORMING MELBOURNE and MPN

                                          and receiving our monthly PARTNERS NEWS of the ministry

 HELPING WITH: …………………………………………………………………….

A Monthly amount of     $50    $100   $…………… 

(Even a small regular donation is the most helpful to us)

      An Annual amount  of  $100   $500    $ …….…….

      Receive the Transforming Melbourne E-Letter

      CREDIT CARD:        Bankcard / Visa / Mastercard

Card Number: ….……… / ………… / …..…… / ……..……. Expiry:   ………. / ………..

Name on Card: …..………………………..     Signature:  ……………….….……………

CHEQUES:               Please make out to:  “TRANSFORMING MELBOURNE”

DIRECT DEBIT:        C.B.A., Mentone,  A/c No. 063 144 – 1030 5001

We Really Value Your Comments: Please Email any time to: office@transformingmelbourne.org


Partner with Us

We invite you to become a Partner in “Transforming Melbourne” through:

1) Signing up to receive the E-letter (email office@transformingmelbourne.org with your name, email and phone details)

2) Partnering with us financially – download the partnership form

3) Offering your time to assist in office duties, research or writing articles. Send us an email to office@transformingmelbourne.org for further information or

4) Become a team member at Transforming Melbourne. Contact Us to discuss.

5) Making a one off online donation to assist in our running costs using our secure PayPal account.

Support and Finance

This is a faith ministry. We rely on individuals and churches to provide support for the ministries of Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network and for Rob Isaachsen in his role as coordinator. Up till now Rob has relied on a few individual churches and friends who share his vision to provide finance. To enable this ministry to be fully effective, the Board has set a budget to provide for a full-time assistant, as well as a proper salary for Rob and funds for adequate administration. (At present we are very much below this budget. Budget levels will be reported on the website.) For this vital ministry to continue and develop, we need churches, business people and other concerned individuals to be financial partners by providing regular contributions.

We invite you to become a Partner in this Vision by completing the Partnership Invitation document if you don’t already receive the E-letter (email office@transformingmelbourne.org with your name, email and phone details).

Management and Accountability

The management and accountability of this ministry is taken very seriously. The spiritual oversight is provided by the Servant Leader Team of key pastors, appointed at the annual Melbourne Pastors Prayer Summit. It is managed by a Board, including ordained ministers and Christian business people. Transforming Melbourne is an incorporated association within the meaning of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.

The Transforming Melbourne board:

Richard Kasperczyk (Chairman), Pastor Graeme Cann, Colonel David Jamison, Neil Flavel, Ray Walker, Rev. Rob Isaachsen

Download a partnership form
