Transforming Cities – An Introduction

God is doing it!

Around the world God is transforming cities. We continue to hear new stories of cities being significantly changed by God — see Transformation stories link

In 1999 a powerful video "Transformations" was produced. It shows the wonderful story of 4 cities around the world where whole cities have been transformed by God as his people have come together in unity and prayer. What has happened is not just many people becoming Christians (though that has happened)

In each case there has been a transforming of the structures and character of the city and its communities. From situations of emptiness, rampant crime, loss of civil order and personal despair, the Spirit of God has brought a new atmosphere of hope and purpose. Crime and violence have declined, community life has flourished and the decay of morality and justice has been reversed.

Cali in Colombia, South America is one of the Cities shown on the video – see Transformation Videos

In 1995 Cali was the centre of the world's cocaine production. It was controlled by a number of drug cartels which controlled the city through their enormous wealth and brutality. Crime, corruption and fear were the main features of the city.

The pastors of the city started to come together to start relating and praying with one another, and the Church started to come into unity. In 1995 an all night prayer meeting in of thousands brought dramatic results. The power of evil was shaken. Within months the drug cartels were broken and murder became rare. As the Christians of Cali continued to pray and fast, many people turned to Christ. The civic authorities recognised what was happening and supported the Church. The city was transformed.

The other 3 cities (each story runs for 20 minutes) on this video are:

  • Almolonga, Guatemala, Central America
  • Hemet, California, USA
  • Kiambu, Kenya

The video was produced by George Otis Jr. and gives the results of his research into what led to these "transformations" What led to Transformation? He has discovered in each case the change has occurred through the commitment of God's people to relate in unity and to pray together for their city, and specifically to pray into the areas of physical, social and spiritual problems in their community. This involved on-going detailed research of the issues and on-going consistent prayer, observing the changes as they happened, and giving God the praise for the answered prayer. See his book "Informed intercession" (Renew Books) for these findings and how to apply them.

George Otis has continued research and now claims to have found at least 50 cities where there are clear signs of community transformation. In 2001 George Otis produced another video "Transformations II" which documents transformations of whole regions and even countries.

The region of Canada's Arctic North, where communities were decimated by domestic violence, alcoholism and suicide finding new life and hope as God's people came together in persistent, united prayer.

The nation of Uganda, long a place of appalling violence and evil, has become a shining example of the transforming and healing power of God. Thousands have come to faith in Jesus and community life restored. The government is now led by Christian leaders. There is a Minister for Integrity and Ethics. At a great rally to celebrate the Millenium, the President dedicated the nation to the Lordship of Jesus for 1000 years.

These powerful videos are available for $30 incl postage from Transforming Melbourne – see Transformation Videos

So why not Melbourne Victoria?

That is why we are gathering together in prayer! It will not happen because we would like it, but when we get desperate; when we acknowledge we can't do it, and cry out to God. "If my people, who are called by my Name, will humble themselves and seek my face and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14


Transforming Cali, Colombia

(Population over 2 million)

When the transformation video was made there were less than 300 churches with a Christian population in town of 85,000 to 110,000 according to researches and over two million people in town.

"There is a new sense of urgency and unity among Christians in Cali," reports Dawn staff member Berna Salcedo. Cali is Colombia's notorious drug capital, currently experiencing a power vacuum following the arrests of the most important drug barons in recent years as a result of the well documented spiritual transformation that has taken place in the city. Without the drug money that gave it its wealth however the city is in economic and political decline, according to Salcedo.

The country is generally politically unstable because of the civil wars; people no longer trust the government, and many have given up hope. Two million Colombians have moved from the country into the cities, bringing their uncertainty and fear of the future.

In the midst of this uncertainty, Cali's population has become more open for the gospel, and the city's pastors have agreed to an evangelistic framework, for new churches.

They understood that they have to reach out and start planting churches. Now they are aiming to plant over 30,000 churches in town within few a years. Praise the Lord that prayer brought them all this way. Every three months they gather 65,000 Christians for a night of prayer in the football stadium.

(Source: DAWN Latin America)


Ruth Ruibal Transformed Cali

Cali pastor (Featured on the Transformations video, and key speaker at the "Transforming Melbourne 2001 conference)

Ruth reported that the pastors from almost all churches and denominations have made a covenant to relate and work in unity, refusing to take offence with one another.

There is a remarkable change in the life of the whole Church in our city.

"Cali is not finally transformed, but we have gone form having about 5% of the population Christian to about 25%. All churches are growing – most by about 20% per year. People across the city are aware of the power of the Gospel and it influence on the city."


Transforming Hemet, California, USA

Two Toowoomba pastors have visited Hemet this year, one before Easter and one after. We both report a city that is well on the way to community transformation. People are being saved each week in many of the churches and they report about 28% of the city saved and attending Bible believing churches. Several of the churches have had to rebuild to house the increase. Ten years ago they thought that there was less than 5% saved in the city.

They said there has been no revival just a steady increase. They report major breakthrough in their schooling system, their health system, the police dept and to some extent in the political sphere.

One of the pastors, Bob Beckett, has written a book, Commitment to Conquer, and this covers very well how the Lord has lead them.

Ian Shelton, Toowoomba who visited Hemet in Sept. 2001


Transforming Story in Russia

Transformation In Russia – Hope For Russia's Youth

John Russell, an American who heads up a radical ministry that reaches out to a lost generation on the streets of St. Petersburg, says he is seeing lives of Russia's teenagers and young adults being miraculously transformed in front of his eyes. "God is miraculously healing and delivering young people from lives of addiction and sin," Russell said. "Many of Russia's young people come from broken homes, where alcohol, drugs, sexual and physical abuse are the norm. They are peering into a future, which looks every bit as hopeless as the past. This has caused a cry from within many of the young generation that there must be more to life than what so depressingly clings to them."

Russell said that statistics show that 70% of Russia's young people between the ages of 15 and 25 are regularly using drugs, and an estimated 550,000 heroin addicts live in St. Petersburg and Moscow alone – many in their teens. Russell's ministry StreetCry is a Christ-centered evangelistic, teaching, music, worship and prophetic ministry, reaching out to Russia's unsaved and backslidden young generation. "We are dedicated to seeing them saved and delivered at any cost. We are deeply sure that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation."

More information: (Source: Assist Communications)


Transforming Washington DC, USA

June 2000 – Prayers Up; Crime Drops – From: USApray @

In a dramatic letter to The Washington Post, Dan Wedderburn of the DC Human Rights Commission touted the District of Columbia's 45% drop in crime since 1993. The District has outstripped other major cities, including New York City and all DC metropolitan surrounding areas, in a record plunge of crime rates. Washington DC was known in the early 1990s as the "murder capital of the nation." In 1993, 454 persons were killed. In 1999, 232 homicides were committed. Rape has fallen 40%, aggravated assault and battery have fallen 60%, and burglaries declined almost 70%.

Wedderburn credits a good economy, low unemployment, fewer persons in the younger-age groups that account for a disproportionate share of crime, record high incarcerations and better policing policies. Incredibly, the District's police force was cut by over 20% in the same period.

Intercessors for America began a monthly "Washington Watch" prayer effort in late 1992. This developed into our weekly Prayer Focus on Washington, DC which is part of this "On Watch In Washington." A group of leaders also initiated a nationwide 24-hour US/DC Prayer Watch in late 1997.

A new 24-hour Prayer and Worship watch is also being maintained by local churches in the Metro, DC area. While we realize that many more Christians than ever before are praying for our nation's capital, let us humbly offer thanksgiving for the contribution which IFA "partners in prayer" (many of you!) have made over these years. Let us pray that the crescendo of prayer in our nation's capital increases even more!


Transforming San Francisco, USA

January 2000

A new book "Come to the Waters" tells how prayer, unity and perseverance helped to change the spiritual climate of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Prayer and Praise Cruises of 1994 and 1995 seem to be key turning points in this change. Over 300 people, over 20 pastors, 37 different ethnic groups and over 50 different denominations went out on the waters of San Francisco Bay, to pray and break the curses that had been brought into the Bay Area on ships.

As the pastors, intercessors and the Body of Christ began to humble themselves in prayer together, see how God kept His promise made in II Chronicles 7:14 and began to heal the land. The crime rate in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose have all decreased between 25% – 30%!!!


Transforming New York, USA

November 1999 – United Prayer – God's Strategy To Reach The City

Jesus placed a unique emphasis on our coming together in unity and love as His witness to the world. Biblically and historically God's people coming together corporately in visible, united prayer has been His primary instrument to revive the Church and awaken the society to spiritual things.

The Measurable Impact On The City Of New York
The secular book Signs of Hope in the City (Carle & DeCaro, Judson Press, 1997) notes that "churches are the principal factor in reducing violence, poverty and decay in New York".
They are the most effective proponents of urban renewal and community development.

Having done forensic dental work for New York City, I have seen the impact of the drop in crime — the morgue where I work feels almost empty. This had to be the hand of God — His response to those praying for this region through "The Lord's Watch' these last two years. I support Concerts of Prayer." Dr. Jeff Burkes, Chief Dental Consultant NYC Medical Examiner's Office and Intercessor

Prayer initiatives of the Church in New York include:

  • "The Lord's Watch" on-going, 24-hour a day, 365 day a year prayer vigil by over 100 churches
  • "Annual Pastor's Prayer Summit" involving more than 500 pastors in seven years.
  • "Concerts of Prayer" events, involving 100 congregations and over 60,000 people since 1988.
  • "Biannual Urban Consultation" bringing 400 leaders together from 50 cities to discover new models of ministry in a metropolitan context. Website:


Transforming Nottingham UK

Police are asking Christians to pray — and the crime rate is dropping at a housing complex in Nottingham, England. Organizers of the Prayerwatch outreach in the Arnold housing complex have reported a 10 percent drop in crime over two years, against national trends, according to Ecumenical News International. The outreach has proved so popular that a second complex is being included. "Police who aren't even Christian are keen to pass on requests for help through prayer," said John Robinson, a Nottingham City Council official and evangelical Christian.

…Prayerwatch was started by police officer Alan Stuart and gained widespread support among churches. Police ask for prayers for specific incidents, but withhold the names of those involved. Christians have prayed for incidents of theft, vandalism, and taunting of old people, said Stephen Hackney, pastor of Clifton Church Fellowship, part of the Assemblies of God.

…Prayer requests are dealt with in the regular services and by individuals at home. Social action also plays a part, because Prayerwatch has made Christians more aware of problems in their community and "more hands-on" in solving them, Robinson said.

…"We believe in the process and the importance of prayer," Robinson said. "Some of those outside may have their doubts, of course, but they're inclined to say: 'Well it can't do any harm.' So everybody's got to be a winner."


Transforming Katy, Texas, USA

The Church of Katy doesn't have an address, but you will find it at various locations around the west Houston suburb–under signs that declare it to be everything from Assemblies of God to Southern Baptist. Pastors in the community are at the forefront of the growing "city transformation" movement that is seeing leaders put aside their differences to work together in new ways to impact their cities for God.

"We have chosen to put many of the things that are near and dear to us personally aside so that we can come together as brothers and sisters who have a common calling, which is the spiritual welfare of this community," said Charles Wisdom, senior pastor of First Baptist Church and recently designated "elder" of the Church of Katy. Going beyond traditional ministerial fellowships, the "city transformation" movement is bringing pastors together to pray, plan and work beyond the scope of their own walls. Around 25 leaders from local churches meet together each week in Katy. "There's a deep love and commitment to one another," Wisdom said. "We really want to see the other guy flourish and his church do well." That spirit of cooperation is replacing the previous "competition and turf protection," he said.

Similar combined efforts are cropping up in cities across America according to Jack Dennison, president of Citireach International and a missions strategist who is helping coach 20 such projects.

Whereas previous attempts at building unity centred on events–after which participating churches usually went back to doing their own thing–the new moves were being based in relationships. "The Scriptures tell us that there is a spiritual power that is released in the midst of unity," Dennison said. "There's a great spiritual effectiveness when the body of Christ is linked together and functioning as a healthy body–in all its diversity and heritage–than when it functions in a dismembered way."

Congregations that are part of a "city church" can maximise their resources and avoid duplication of effort, instead of competing for "dollars, territory, people," said Jon Sharpe, who heads Reach Seattle, the group coordinating citywide efforts there. Next month they start City Discovery Tours that will take congregational groups on visits to urban ministries to get a better feel for the parts of their city that they don't routinely visit.

At Mission Houston, another significant citywide project, Jim Herrington said: "We believe that God has a strategy for the transformation of the city, and that He will only reveal it when there's real, substantive unity that is based in relationships. It's not about cooperating once on a project. It's a whole new way of life for the church."

Dennison said that initiatives like those in Houston and Seattle were rediscovering a Bible truth. "In our isolation we have lost our capacity to affect real change [in society] because each group and individual is living much like Israel did at the time of the judges, with each one doing what is right in his own eyes," he said. "But when you look at the New Testament, you see that the church in a city was seen as one church in many congregations."

Source: Charisma News Service
