A quote from Graham Cooke’s powerful prophecy over Melbourne (Nov’08):
“We are going to see moves of God unprecedented throughout the earth, and we are seeing something begin in Melbourne. The awakening has begun! I believe it will get to a place in Melbourne when a window will open over Melbourne and we will start to pull down things out of heaven. It’s happening right now! We are in the season! The water level’s up to our course!
We need to deliberately make decisions to walk deliberately forward into a move of the Spirit.
We need to start preparing for the way of the Lord right now.
We need to start getting together.
We need to start praying.
We need to start worshipping.
We need to start planning.
We need to start training people.
We need to come to a place where the Lord is speaking to us about things that are unprecedented and we are able to hear – outrageous things.
God is doing something here unprecedented in your history. It’s simply your day and it’s your time, and you must make the most of it.
We are in those times, a move of God, unprecedented in this city’s history, churches coming together…
We are going to see the end of turf wars.
We are going to see unprecedented cooperation, and incredibly…
We are going to see leaders – men and women of God, just broken by the love, and the beauty and the joy of the Lord, open to the majesty and the sovereignty of heaven, coming and saying ‘I want to give this up, I want to lay this down at the feet of Jesus. I want to give back to God that which belongs to Him.’
We are going to see the business community step up into a different anointing.
We are going to see the map of the city redrawn spiritually. We are going to see people who live in an area, evangelising that area. And it won’t matter what church you come from. We are going to find house to house, street to street, moves of God. We are going to get Christian neighbours coming together and just moving down their street and seeing signs and wonders, it’ll be unprecedented. It is not going to be a move of God that’s led by superstars. It will be nameless, faceless generation of people getting out there on the street, and no one is able to highjack it. It’s a move of God at grassroots’ level.
There is a place of surrender in all of that – where we are surrendering to the love, and the majesty, to the beauty and sovereignty of God. So there is an intimacy that is going to come into the city; the love of God is shed on the streets; the peace of God coming on the city.
It’s time to move out and go to a deeper place still. It’s time to sit down before the Lord and just ask, ‘What’s the abundance that’s beyond thinking?’ God is doing something here unprecedented in your history. It’s simply your day and it’s your time, and you must make the most of it.
This is the day of the Lord. This is the season of God. We are in an outrageous time and the move of God. It’s the stuff of dreams.
We are going to learn how to stand. We are going to learn how to fight for the city. We are going to fight in a new way. As we stand together, as we walk together, as we cooperate together in unprecedented ways, a window will open in heaven. When you pray that window will open. We are going to have permission. The Lord is going to say, “you are to come together with one heart and one voice in the city. We are going to see an eldership in the city raised up, with oversight.”
THE CHALLENGE: Make some deliberate decisions to commit to prayer, preparation and training so we are able to move forward together with God and each other in the imminent revival.
The “All Melbourne Matters” project is unique and nothing like this has ever been done in Melbourne. It is valuable in that it provides information and inspiration for Greater Melbourne, each of the 31 Local Government Areas, as well as the whole Body of Christ.
The project is the first ever research of the Whole Body of Christ in Melbourne, including non-NCLS (National Church Life Survey) churches, independent and ethnic churches, as well as emerging and house churches. It reveals the unique level of support for communities provided by local churches, and shows the nationalities and locations of ethnic churches in relation to ethnic populations. It also includes a major Directory of Christian ministries, organisations and networks and give this picture for Greater Melbourne AND for each of the 31 local government areas.
“This research report is a significant undertaking that will greatly benefit the wider church in Melbourne, as well as each local church, to be aware of the challenge ahead of us as we seek to reach out to our great city with God’s love. I enthusiastically commend those who have put in so many hours of work and effort to bring us this strategic information.”
Mark Conner
“I believe that this research will be a vital resource for the church in Melbourne to minister effectively in the years to come.” Church history reveals that when the church is able to identify critical issues in culture and society and responds to these issues while remaining faithful to the gospel, great things happen.”
Wynand de Kock, Principal, Tabor College
“As a Pastor who longs to see the day when God’s people become so passionate about the Gospel, and Church leaders become so aware of the needs of their community, and congregations become the greatest force for good in their city, that whole communities are transformed by the love and power of God, I see this research project as the most important contribution made by any organisation in almost 50 years. The results of this research will give us an unparalleled opportunity to consider an informed and united response to the needs of our great city.”
Graeme Cann, Assoc. Pastor, Berwick Church of Christ, Leader of Casey Pastors Network, Founder Christian Counsellors Assoc.
“Now is the time for the Body of Christ to reach out and make its greatest impace for the kingdom of God. Through united prayer we will seek His direction and anointing in order to understand our present position through the All Melbourne Matters research findings in roder to make a pathway for the next generation.”
John Graham, State Co-ordinator, ALPHA Victoria & Tasmania
The Urgency Of The Church’s Input To Our City’s Future
The City and Nation will Change Dramatically in the Next 5 Years?
The Christian Faith is the Founcation and Hope of our Society.
Crises NOW in our city and nation include the effect of broken families, binge drinking, homelessnesses, increase of poverty in Australia, gambling losses, suicide, potential collapse of health services, water shortage, rise in fuel, food prices and other effects of global warming, road congestion, “peak oil” situation, secularism, consumerism and the loss of morality and potential of terrorism etc.
Who will decide the Future of Melbourne? Will the Church Claim the Future? Or continue as it is?
The Effect of Broken Families (Ave marriage lasts 8.8yrs)
60,000 Australian children affected by abuse and neglect (Fed. Gov. report 25/5/08)
10,000 children & youth (10-14 yrs) arrested for violence, rape & shoplifting (blamed on the web)
Domestic violence BY children against parents 23% increase in Victoria from 2002 to 2006.
Sexualising of children and youth leading to broken relationships, loss of morality and trust
Broken relationships- Loneliness – Major increase in single occupancy housing
By 2030 48% households expected to be Single person occupancy (“Melbourne 2030” Report)
Binge Drinking
33% 18 to 24 yrs classify themselves as binge drinkers (37% of young women)
Forty-one per cent have passed out at least once through excessive drinking, 25% do so regularly
Assaults in Melbourne CBD increased by 17.5% in 2007 – mainly the result of excessive drinking.
Alcohol poisoning kills 10 Australians/ day. Estimated economic impact of alcohol abuse is $7.6 billion pa.
Homelessness: 100,000 homeless in Australia –incl. increasing divorced mature age working men
Critical shortage of rental accommodation (increasing because of mortgage default, property speculation)
Increase of Poverty in Australia
Interest rate increases, and the highest level of personal debt in the world
Housing and rental costs, major increase in Petrol prices leading to food price increases
Global warming leading to major increase in power costs
Gambling Losses in Vic. In last 6mths was a record of more than $1.3-billion on poker machines (a $55 million jump). In 2004-05 Australians overall gambled $142 billion – much of this is stolen money. One bank manager in WA stole and gambled $19 million from his own branch over 4 years
Suicide: 2,683 people took their own lives in Australia during 1998, an average of seven suicides a day. (For every completed suicide over 30 attempts, ie 210 people a day attempting suicide)
45% increase in young girls self-harming in 10 years
Impact on Business: Decline in morality, honesty, integrity at work
Shoplifting cost Australian retailers $4 billion a year
Potential Collapse of health services: 52% obese, 100,000 new cases of Diabetes pa nationally, Aging
population, 3,000,000 have arthritis, 50,000 have osteoporosis in Aust., Effects of smoking, drinking, etc
Water shortage, rise in fuel, food prices and other effects of global warming
Road congestion and public transport overload (extra 1.1 million cars by 2030 – up by 30%)
Outer urban developments: Little social support / Loneliness/ cost of commuting/ lack of transport
“Peak oil” situation – Potential decline/ end of oil supplies
Secularism, consumerism and the loss of morality
Potential of terrorism
Increasing pressure from Multiculturalism : All faiths (incl witchcraft) accepted as equal to Christianity
Intentional claiming of influence by Islam, secular humanism and homosexual lobby
Population of Melbourne increasing 100,000 a year – accentuating current crises
God through the Body of Christ holds the key to the future of the City & Nation. Only a spiritual awakening across our city will transform these trends.
Research Vision
The Research Vision is a detailed picture of the size, location and vitality of all churches across the City with the demographics of Greater Melbourne, to resource and inspire the whole Church towards a common vision and coordinated strategies for ministry and intentional mission to our city.
How can the Great Commission be fulfilled in Melbourne? Is anyone fulfilling the Great Commission?
With over 3.8 million people in Melbourne, it is unlikely that more than 500,000 are active members of local churches or Christian communities.
• How can “The Church” reach out to the other 3.3 million?
• Who are these 3.3 million? What areas and what people groups have little or no contact with the Church or opportunity to hear the Gospel?
• Where is the Church strong and where is it ineffective, dying or non-existent?
• How many “churches” are there? What about “ethnic” churches?
There is a general belief in local churches and denominations that by doing a whole range of ministries, services, programmes, etc that somehow we are “fulfilling the Great Commission”. But it seems that rarely is there serious thought given to what this would mean.
Any meaningful understanding of the Great Commission in a local community or across Melbourne calls us to reach out to (in fact to make disciples of) ALL people.
Clearly no one congregation or denomination can do this for the whole of Melbourne, no matter how big or active. There are few if any with a vision and strategy to reach out to all the people even in their local community.
To obey Jesus’ call to take His mission to all people, we must at least ask “Who are All these people outside the Kingdom?”, “where are they?” and “what would it take to reach out to them?”.
This mission is so vast, it is clearly a job for the Whole Church working together.
So then we must ask “What and where is the Body of Christ?”, “What is the Church doing already?”, “What are its strengths and weaknesses?”. We also need to ask “Where the Church is NOT”.
Only when we have identified the “MISSION FIELD” and the ‘MISSION FORCE” is it possible to be intentional about the Great Commission. It allows us to ask “What would it take to reach all these people?”, “How will we work together to get it done?” and “How long will it take?”. These are the bones or any strategy to fulfil the Great Commission.
Uniqueness of the Project & Its Value
The project is unique and nothing like this has ever been done in Melbourne. It is valuable in that it provides information and inspiration for Greater Melbourne, each of the 31 Local Government Areas, as well as the whole Body of Christ.
The Uniqueness And Value Of This Project To the Church is as follows:
• It is the first ever research of the Whole Body of Christ in Melbourne
• It includes information from the 2006 National Church Life Survey, with data from most denominations being put together for the first time.
• It includes detailed surveys of non-NCLS churches, independent and ethnic churches, as well as emerging and house churches,
• It will give the number, distribution and “health” of churches in Melbourne including digital maps
• Church data will be overlaid with demographics from the 2006 National Census
• It will show the areas in Melbourne with no churches, or minimal Christian presence or ministry
• It will reveal the unique level of support for communities provided by local churches
• It will list churches/ denominations active in planting churches and where new churches are being planted
• It will show the nationalities and locations of ethnic churches in relation to ethnic populations
• It will identify nature, size and distribution of major un-reached people groups in Melbourne
• It will include a major Directory of Christian ministries, organisations and networks(see below)
• Reports will give this picture for Greater Melbourne AND for each of the 31 local government areas.
• A major resource for the whole Church in its mission to our whole City
• An invaluable document for any part of the Church considering effective outreach
• An inspiring statement of the wonder and riches of the Body of Christ in Melbourne
• Valued by: Denominations, Citywide Ministries, Congregations and Church Networks in Local Communities, Bible Colleges and Libraries, Social Welfare Organisations, Municipal Councils and other community groups as a reference for the next 5 years and beyond
E-Letter Request
The Melbourne Indigenous Church
The Melbourne Indigenous Church: A Story of Hope (Anne Green)
With eyes of faith one can see that the Indigenous Community of Melbourne is beginning to emerge out of a time of spiritual barrenness.
A quick glance across the 15,000-strong Indigenous community of Melbourne reveals only 2 small Indigenous fellowships regularly meeting together, although there are several other ministries happening and Indigenous churches in some regional centres outside Melbourne. As in the Non-Indigenous Church, these ministries that do exist, though aware of one another, are mostly like puzzle pieces not yet linked together into the Body of Christ.
However, a deeper look into the Melbourne Indigenous Community, with some understanding of the spiritual history of this region, uncovers a story of hope:
Seeds of the gospel have been faithfully sown across the Indigenous community of Melbourne for generations. Indigenous Australians are reportedly the most evangelised people group on the planet. Many of those seeds, sown initially by missionaries and Indigenous leaders of the past, have sprung up to revival in former generations. Other seeds lie dormant. Where in this barren place are the wells of life-giving water to bring growth to these seeds?
Spirit-filled Indigenous Christian leaders, past and present have left their legacy in the Indigenous community of Melbourne. Deep ancient wells of God’s Spirit remain, waiting to be re-dug.
Recently, God has raised up an Indigenous prayer network to support, encourage and link together Melbourne Indigenous ministries. Through the commitment and intercession of a growing group of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Christians across the city, the needs of the Indigenous Church are being heard and prayers answered. Old wells are being re-dug and seeds watered.
Wheat and Tares…
Along with the seeds of ‘wheat’ the evil one has planted seeds of destruction in the Indigenous community of Melbourne. We must never forget that we and our ancestors have been partner to this along with bringing the words of eternal life in Jesus. Indigenous people in this city still today are crushed by the ongoing harvest of evil sown into their lives and the lives of their forebears. It is the role of the people of God in this city to unravel and reveal the sins of the past and plead the forgiveness and blood of Jesus over the destruction done sometimes even in the name of Christ. The destroyer must also be identified and rebuked.
A flourishing Indigenous Church will emerge in this City and healing will begin in the Name of Jesus.
Then the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings (Malachi 4:2)…..which reminds us of the Indigenous flag – a sign of hope…. and Jesus, Light of the World and coming Saviour King.
2009: Planning To Bless Our City’s Future
Melbourne is no longer such a livable city.
The many areas of social decline and some recent legislation are spiritual issues.
We know the power and love of God is unlimited.
He has committed Himself to work through us as we trust Him.
He has trusted us with the work of reconciliation in a broken world.
The love and grace and Good News of Jesus is not for us to keep.
We know around the world God is doing amazing things.
He is with us and works powerfully through us.
He can Transform our city.
Our dependence on our own strength and resources
Our desire for our comfort
Our failure to recognize and stand against the declining spirituality which is changing our laws and social values and threatening our peaceful way of life.
The draft copy of the Major Report of the first ever research of the whole Church across Melbourne is now ready. We now have data on many issues about the Church we have wondered about – and these will be released first to Church Leaders on 12th March and later to pastors and leaders and the wider Church.
For the first time we have clear data on the massive social and welfare support provided by local churches for their communities. This is one of the areas in which our city depends on the Church, and how Christian faith is integral to our society.
These will be highlighted and celebrated in a civic event in Fed. Square next year.
The data on church attendance brings a serious challenge to the Church and its future. This is an Inconvenient Truth! But also the research includes data on where God is changing lives and communities, on areas of effective outreach, on the great number of ethnic churches, and the amazing range of resources in the Church in Melbourne. It indicates ways we can best minister to people of different ages or situations, including the challenging area of the Y-Generation and the Church.
– To Welcome this in your own life
– To Join with others to Pray for it expectantly
– To be open to Pursue it as God leads
– To Support it as you have opportunity
– To Praise God as we see it