“It takes the whole Church with the whole Gospel to reach the whole city.” Ed Silvoso “That None Should Perish”
“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity ..For there the Lord bestows His blessing – even life forevermore” Psalm 133
“Reconciliation will come between believers only through the cross, regardless of race or history. Unbelievers cannot be reconciled to each other, because the only path to reconciliation is through the cross.
This places incredible responsibility on the Christian community, both black and white, to humble ourselves and pray, and turn from our wicked ways and the events of the past that have separated us, and seek His face together. Only in this way will the curse of hatred which is the fruit of injustice, be broken over this land.” Brian Pickering, Spirit Alive Australia
While we act as 100’s of independent groups, in competition and suspicion, with little relationship, we deny Christ and leave the un-churched untouched and the nation in the enemy’s hands.
“Our separate, isolated efforts will not stop the flood of increasing evil in our cities … our cities are in disorder because the Church is in disorder … the direction of each city will rest upon the condition of the Church in that city …if the Church is united and praying together there will be hope for that area” Francis Frangipane “House of the Lord”
“The thing territorial spirits fear the most is the unity of pastors, and through them the unity of the Body of Christ” Peter Wagner “Churches that Pray”
“Unity among pastors is essential for spiritual anointing and authority to preach and heal in the city. When there is a high level of unity among the pastors there will be a high level of anointing and power from God on the crusades in that city. When there is little unity among the pastors there will be little anointing and power.” Carlos Anacondia, Argentinian Evangelist
“When pastors come together in a city, all heaven is going to break loose! The city has never seen and the devil has always feared a “city-church” of Christians moving in unity! Bob Fox, “Cornerstone” Pastors Network, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
“So there should be no division in the Body, but its parts should have equal concern for one another. You are the Body of Christ and each of you is a part of it.” – Paul 1 Corinthians 12:25
“It would be so exciting if the churches came together!” A lady on the tram
“Jesus prayed for unity within the Church, but we’ve yet to see it happen. In fact, what’s taken place is just the reverse: the house of God has become a broken home. And broken homes have little to say to a broken world. If we as Christians are to make a difference in our culture, we must come together and become one again; we must unleash the power God has given us, His family, to claim our streets and neighbourhoods for Christ.” Dr. Joe Aldrich, President of Multnomah Bible College, Portland, Oregon, USA
“I have given them the glory that they may be one as we are one….May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me” – Jesus John 17:21
Pictures of the “One Church in the City”
Local pastors
…sharing their journeys and visions, valuing each others gifts and styles, relating in love and commitment, pastoring each other, being mutually accountable and supportive, spending time in prayer for each other and their community.
Individual churches
…Honouring The Church of their area above themselves: being known first as part of (eg) “The Church of Bayside” and secondly as St John’s Anglican or Hampton AOG. Worshiping together several times a year, joining together in outreach and community care, praying for each other during worship, supporting each other in finance, resources and manpower, developing deliberate united links with civic authorities and media, recognising and drawing on each other’s ministry strengths, doing nothing individually that could be done together.
Demonstrating the power of the Cross in the way they relate together.
Being a team for the Kingdom in their area.