Who Are We?

TRANSFORMING MELBOURNE is a movement of Christians across Greater Melbourne working and praying together for God to renew the Church and transform our city. It involves people and Churches from almost all denominations, many prayer ministries and Christian organisations.

Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network are organised and coordinated by a small team of people who have a passion for the Kingdom of God in this city.


Rev. Rob Isaachsen – Coordinator of MELBOURNE PASTORS NETWORK 

Rob was ordained as an Anglican minister in Melbourne, Australia and served as Vicar of Christ Church, Dingley for 19 years. Rob has traveled widely in mission situations in East Africa, Asia and PNG with CMS, OMF and APCM (now Pioneers). In 1996 Rob left Dingley, and began the “Melbourne Pastors Network” with the vision of seeing unity in the Body of Christ across Melbourne. He has worked to foster networks of pastors and churches in each of the 31 local cities of Melbourne relating and praying to pastor their whole communities together. He has also organised the Melbourne Pastors Prayer Summit for 7 years with pastors from over 20 denominations and coordinates the “Transforming Melbourne” movement of prayer, which is focused on an annual 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for the Church and Greater Melbourne.  

Lois Isaachsen – Intercessor
Sue Tinworth – Prayer Coordinator
Ruth Allison – Intercessor
Nofoao Thomas – Intercessor
Rosemary Breyley – Administrative Assistant
Sheryl Minns – Office Administrator
Jenni Kneebone – Office Volunteer
Dorothy Coleman – Office Volunteer
Bruce Seamer – IT Team Member
Richard Harvey – IT Team Member
Ben Van der Merwe – IT Team Member
Phillip Hughes – Research (All Melbourne Matters)
Kitty Cheng – Journalist & Communications

The management and accountability of this ministry is taken very seriously. The Servant Leader Team of key pastors provides the spiritual oversight. These pastors are appointed at the annual Melbourne Pastors’ Prayer Summit.


Richard Kasperczyk (Chairman), Pastor Graeme Cann, Neil Flavel, Colonel David Jamison, Peter Earnshaw and Rev. Rob Isaachsen.


This is a faith ministry.  We rely on individuals and churches to provide support for the ministries of Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network and for Rob Isaachsen in his role as coordinator.  Up till now Rob has relied on a few individual churches and friends who share his vision to provide finance.  For this vital ministry to continue and develop, we need churches, business people and other concerned individuals to be financial partners by providing regular contributions. To become a partner click here


It is only the Lord who can transform lives and communities, but He invites us to partner with Him through obedience and through expectant prayer.   So, we invite you to become a Prayer Partner in this Vision and receive our monthly PARTNERS NEWS or join us for prayer in our office or other times, as you are able.  For more information contact us


Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network (which is part of the same ministry) has no fixed income.  They depend on those who share Gods Vision for the Church and our City to contribute financially (see our partner churches).  Transforming Melbourne is an incorporated body with a registered Board of Management and transparent accountability. As well as needing finances to enable us to take up the unique opportunities the Lord has given us, we now need to find a skilled administrator who we will pay at least part-time. We invite you to become a Financial Partner in this Vision by completing the attached PARTNERSHIP INVITATION click here.

For more information contact: office@transformingmelbourne.org or to become a partner click here


Partner with Us

We invite you to become a Partner in “Transforming Melbourne” through:

1) Signing up to receive the E-letter (email office@transformingmelbourne.org with your name, email and phone details)

2) Partnering with us financially – download the partnership form

3) Offering your time to assist in office duties, research or writing articles. Send us an email to office@transformingmelbourne.org for further information or

4) Become a team member at Transforming Melbourne. Contact Us to discuss.

5) Making a one off online donation to assist in our running costs using our secure PayPal account.

Support and Finance

This is a faith ministry. We rely on individuals and churches to provide support for the ministries of Transforming Melbourne and Melbourne Pastors Network and for Rob Isaachsen in his role as coordinator. Up till now Rob has relied on a few individual churches and friends who share his vision to provide finance. To enable this ministry to be fully effective, the Board has set a budget to provide for a full-time assistant, as well as a proper salary for Rob and funds for adequate administration. (At present we are very much below this budget. Budget levels will be reported on the website.) For this vital ministry to continue and develop, we need churches, business people and other concerned individuals to be financial partners by providing regular contributions.

We invite you to become a Partner in this Vision by completing the Partnership Invitation document if you don’t already receive the E-letter (email office@transformingmelbourne.org with your name, email and phone details).

Management and Accountability

The management and accountability of this ministry is taken very seriously. The spiritual oversight is provided by the Servant Leader Team of key pastors, appointed at the annual Melbourne Pastors Prayer Summit. It is managed by a Board, including ordained ministers and Christian business people. Transforming Melbourne is an incorporated association within the meaning of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.

The Transforming Melbourne board:

Richard Kasperczyk (Chairman), Pastor Graeme Cann, Colonel David Jamison, Neil Flavel, Ray Walker, Rev. Rob Isaachsen

Download a partnership form
