Micah Challenge


What can one Church Do?

All of us care about poverty and want to see justice in our world but the problems seem so big that we feel powerless to achieve any real change. Church programs are already packed with important activities for growth and mission – so ‘What can one Church Do?’

The truth is one person and one church can do a lot. A new CD for churches (and individuals) is available in mid March. For more details on the content, see http://www.micahchallenge.org.au/resource/WhatCanOneChurchDoblurbsforeachdoc.pdf

Email info@micahchallenge.org.au to order your copy. Please include your name and full postal address.

Bono speaks out on faith and poverty at US National Prayer Breakfast

Bono spoke last month to an audience including President Bush, at the National Prayer Breakfast. Here is a short extract

“God is in the slums, in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house. God is in the silence of a mother who has infected her child with a virus that will end both their lives. God is in the cries heard under the rubble of war. God is in the debris of wasted opportunity and lives, and God is with us if we are with them. "If you remove the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness, and if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like midday and the Lord will continually guide you and satisfy your desire in scorched places."

For the full speech, see http://www.data.org/archives/000774.php

As many of you will know, U2 is touring Australia in April. Watch out for interviews and articles about Bono’s stand on poverty issues – use the opportunity to talk to friends about the issues and about supporting Make Poverty History.

What is happening in 2006?

Look out for various events and times throughout the year – make a space in your diary/planner NOW and check the website for details closer to the time. See http://www.micahchallenge.org.au/resource/10thingstodoin2006.pdf

Take the Challenge – website for young people

16 – 30 years? Go to www.takethechallenge.org.au to register for faith and life challenges on poverty, mercy and justice.

Prayer is the key to change

Pray for the people who make decisions about our national Budget – tax cuts may be in the pipeline, but we can afford spending on poverty reduction.

Please pray for wisdom and insight for Christian leaders in Australia.

Actions you can take in March/April

        • Get a copy of the new CD – What Can One Church Do? If your church or group would like a copy, please email info@micahchallenge.org.au or ring 02 9453 1586. This resource is for busy churches and groups that want to care about poverty issues but need some ideas on how to start; that want to explore Biblical ideas on justice; and it’s for anyone who has said, “The problems are so big…. What can I do?”
      • April 9 in Melbourne, there is the chance to hear Jim Wallis, author of the best seller, God’s Politics and head of Sojourners in the USA – see http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=sojomail.home . Put the date in your diary now as Jim Wallis is an inspiring speaker on faith, ethics and politics. 2pm till 4pm at Melbourne Town Hall. He will do a book signing and copies of the Micah CD, What can one church do? will be available.

Download a postcard flier from the website http://www.micahchallengejim wallis visitMicah Chall Wallis postcard.pdf

You can donate money or time

Thank you to those who have donated to Micah Challenge. It costs money to keep the websites running, produce resources and do lobbying. We also want to send money to the international campaign so that campaigns in the developing world can grow.

You can donate to Micah Challenge using the form at http://www.micahchallenge.org.au/pages/content.asp?plid=32 .

Or you may want to donate through your favourite Christian agency which supports the campaign and mark your donation, “Micah Challenge”.

If you live close to the Micah office and have some financial expertise, we would love your help for one day per month to help us keep our accounts accurate. Please contact Amanda on 02 9453 1586

There are Micah groups in every state, which would love your time and expertise. It may be a short-term or longer-term involvement. See http://www.micahchallenge.org.au/pages/content.asp?plid=7 for details.

Quote of the Month

“Nothing short of the Holy Spirit can really help forward the cause of righteousness on earth”.

Elizabeth Fry, wife, mother of 11 and prison reformer who recognized that faith and action are inextricably linked.
