Melbourne Pastors Network

Fostering unity between all pastors of every denomination of the Church in Melbourne through building relationships and praying together.

Vision: One Church in our City
  • One Church with many diverse congregations and fellowships
  • Valuing each other's different styles and strengths
  • Rejoicing in all we have in common in Jesus Christ
  • Praying and working together as the one Body of Christ
  • Humbly serving Him and each other in love
  • With a united witness and vision to reach the city for Jesus
  • That God will get the glory and build His Kingdom

Jesus' prayer

"May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me." John 17:22,23

Network Coordinator

The Rev. Rob Isaachsen is acting as full-time Coordinator of the Network, was Vicar of an Anglican church for 19 years, with experience in many traditions. His role is to promote the Vision of unity among pastors, and coordinate activities. This is a ministry of service and support to pastors, not a position of authority. In this he is accountable to a number of senior pastors of different churches. His ministry is financed by contributions from churches and Christians across the city.

The Melbourne Pastors Network

  1. Gathering Representatives
    • Regular contact with Pastors representing 30 different denominations and traditions of the Church and each of the 31 local cities of Melbourne to build relationships, to worship and pray together and to share our journeys. Those involved include Catholic, Brethren, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, Baptist, Anglican, Christian Reformed, Coptic Orthodox, Salvation Army, Presbyterian, Weslyan Methodist, C.R.C, Uniting, Apostolic, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Churches of Christ, A.O.G., C.O.C., Christian City Church, Chinese Churches, Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship & God Squad.
  2. Encouraging Local Pastors to Meet & Pray
    • Fostering pastors praying and building relationships in each area of the city. Encouraging a vision for "The One Church to Pastor the Whole City"
  3. Occasional Regional and Citywide Gatherings Organising
    • The annual Melbourne Pastors Prayer Summit:
    • Pastors from many denominations spending 4 days seeking God together
    • Pastors Consultations: Looking together at vital issues facing the Church
  4. Establishing a Network for Communication
    • "Melbourne Christian Events Calendar" and "Ministries Directory"(Information available on the MPN "Home Page" on the Internet) Forming a "Pastors & Leaders Email Network" for communication.
  5. Building Relationships, Fostering Reconciliation
    • Supporting/ involvement in the "Multi-Cultural Ministries Network", "AD 2000 Network", "Melbourne Intercessors Network". "24/6" Business Ministry Network, Supporting Aboriginal pastors in ministering to their people. etc
  6. Promoting the Vision of the Unity of the Church

There is only one Body of Christ !!

One Team with One Task:  to Seek and to Save the lost
