God is transforming Melbourne

God is transforming Melbourne!

  • Foundations.
  • Momentum is now building! These are the days we waited for!
  • Are you looking for opportunities to be involved?
  • Partners in Prayer & Evangelism
  • Vital upcoming events.



We honour all that God did through Melbourne Pastor’s Network and Transforming Melbourne and all those – especially Rev Rob Isaachsen – who contributed deeply to the mobilisation of a movement of people who hungered for Jesus’ kingdom to transform us and our city. Rob Isaachsen continues to foster strategic leadership and discipleship. robisaachsen@optusnet.com.au


Through Transforming Melbourne a foundation was built on authentic, transparent, trustworthy relationships between pastors and leaders and across churches and denominations. Together we raised kingdom vision, evangelism and mission, and faith that life will become more abundant for all citizens of Melbourne as they choose Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.


Toward the end of 2010 the team led by Sue Tinworth discerned that the season of Melbourne Pastor’s Network and Transforming Melbourne was coming to an end. We chose to make space for the new way God would move in the next season. We understood that rather than using a centralised task force, God would raise up a diversity of connected networks with multiple ‘faceless’ servant leaders and diverse, fresh strategies. By faith, we entered a time of resting for recovery from the hard years of the Research project, All Melbourne Matters; waiting and watching for what our Father was doing so we could join Him in it.


John 12:24Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2,11 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:

A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted;

He has made everything beautiful in its time.


Momentum is now building! These are the days we waited for!

Across multiple emergent networks across the city and nation – we see our Father is:

      • doing awesome things across our city – healings, miracles, salvations and reconciliations
      • mobilising us to join together in united prayer and worship
      • equipping and aligning us as an army of warriors with fresh revelation, and
      • connecting us as channels of Jesus’ power and grace to every street in our city.


Are you looking for opportunities to be involved?

If you are longing for this and not yet seeing it, join with us in ongoing relationship to co-discern and respond to what is on our Father’s heart for Melbourne – His strategy and timing.

If we each simply fulfil our assigned part in His plan – Jesus’ rule will flow life to our city and beyond.

Our Lord wants this because He loves the people of Melbourne so much!


Sue Tinworth and Rod Schneider are building on the TM foundations with Partners in Prayer & Evangelism – uniting strategic prayer and evangelism for Melbourne and beyond. www.partnersinprayer.org.au

Contact: sue@partnersinprayer.org.au or rod@partnersinprayer.org.au


PIPES banner.jpg


Partners in Prayer & Evangelism are committed to facilitating and promoting:

  • Neighbourhood Prayer and Evangelism e.g. local houses of prayer – groups meeting in homes to pray for and reach out to neighbours. See: Melbourne Prayer & Evangelism 2013 Strategies for Winning our Neighbours and Regions to God http://partnersinprayer.org.au/melbourne-prayer-evangelism-2013/
  • Regional 24 hour Prayer and Worship Gatherings e.g. monthly gatherings in different regions of Melbourne.
  • United Prayer for Australia

1. National Day of Prayer & Fasting – for LIFE in Parliament House, Canberra, in local churches and online 10 Feb 2013 www.nationaldayofprayer&fasting.com.au

2. 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting – for LIFE13 Feb-24 March 2013 www.40daysorprayer.com.au

The 40 days of prayer initiated by Rob in TM is now a national invitation associated with the National Day of Prayer & Fasting. In 2013 a daily prayer guide will be emailed to those who are registered. A summary guide will be available on line by the end of January.

3. Prayerhouse: Jesus’ House of Prayer– for your neighbours, regions and nations.

Online prayer rooms opening soon!

We will soon be launching an online social media network for prayer to enable the Body of Christ to pray together for Australia in online prayer rooms- writing their prayers and praying in agreement with others – using an Amen button or by Reply! Prayerhouse has the facility for Friends to weave collaborative prayer and prayer strategy; and to track God Stories, prophecies and resources. There will be prayer rooms for people to pray for 83 regions of Australia and for shared spheres of influence or interest – such asArts & Entertainment, Business, Education, Family, Government, Media, Religion, Justice, Education, Health, Israel, Indigenous Australians etc.

The Partners in Prayer & Evangelism website includes:

      • JESUS

      • VISION including Houses of Prayer, Restorative Justice –focussed on Indigenous Australians, Destiny & Inheritance, Transforming Australia.

      • WHAT YOU CAN DO – Locally, Regionally, Nationally Globally.

      • WHAT’S ON – More events – in Melbourne and beyond.http://partnersinprayer.org.au/whats-on/

      • BLOGS – see current articles, news, notes, prophecy.

      • LINKS related to Transformation. http://partnersinprayer.org.au/links/

Subscribe to our newsletter.



The Founding of Melbourne Institutions – by the Church


Historical sources available from Prof. Stuart Piggin, Macquarrie University [stuart.piggin@mq.edu.au  ]


  • The Church pioneered SOCIAL WELFARE across Melbourne
  • The Church pioneered EDUCATION in Melbourne. – Church schools preceded state
  • The first HOSPITALS established by the Church, Christian citizens and religious orders
  • Ministers and priests gave civic leadership across the community
  • Christians took the lead to deal with issues of housing
  • “THE ARGUS” and “THE AGE” were founded by active Christians
  • Churches made a major contribution to music in Melbourne through their choirs
  • Christian volunteers and orders provided free workers for vital community support
  • Christians involved in the beginning of tradition of philanthropic gifts and foundations
  • Overseas aid and development organisations (eg World Vision) were Christian initiatives
  • Church members key role in establishing standards of business and professional ethics, etc
  • Church’s vital part in establishing boundaries of decency and fair employment.
  • Australian Law and Government are based on the Bible and Christian teaching.
  • The unique character of our civic life and community arose out of Christian faith

            Plus a quote from Australian historian Geoffrey Blainey  



House Churches Bring New Life

In Melbourne and across the world House Churches (or Simple Churches) are multiplying and bringing many to faith who would never “come to church”. Some local churches are finding new missional life through related house churches. House churches are found in homes, in businesses, football clubs or even on-line.  What they have in common are love and expectant prayer with a focus on Jesus – going deeper with Him and sharing Him with others. The result is that they grow as others join and come to faith – and they plant new house churches.


House churches, along with united prayer and making disciples, are identified as key strategies for reaching the 3 million outside the Church. They are the only way to reach out to the people in the sprawling growth corridors. 


Increasing numbers of Christians with strong faith no longer “go to church” have drifted, but are now growing in faith as part of a House Church and seeing people come to faith.


“House Church” is not about doing conventional church in a home with a set pattern of singing, Bible study, prayer and supper led by one person.  It relates to the way of being church, not where people meet.   There are many styles and sizes, but they all reflect gatherings the earliest Christians would recognise, and they seek to be an ‘organism’ not an organization, with a focus on feeding and health and reproducing.


Far from being in opposition to “the Church”, house churches are enriching the life of local churches, and reaching people for Christ that the research identifies as largely outside the Church.


See full article:  House Church Conference Article


A Letter to the Church

At the Surrender Conference 5-8th March 2010 Ps. Ray Minniecon invited the people in his workshop to use the example of  Acts 15: 22 and write a letter to all the parts of the Church. Indigenous Christian leaders Billy Williams and Auntie Miliwanga Sandy and Auntie Jean Phillips have supported this. The letter was prepared by a broad group who met prior to and since Surrender under the name Ngyiaani – (We All). We invite you to pass this letter and a prayer written by Ps. Minnecon – to be circulated or read across all the Church in Australia.

If you would like more links with Indigenous Christian Leaders or information -contact:


How Many Times Should We Say Sorry?

Saying sorry over and over can immobilise us from moving on but we are with Jesus on this one… Let’s say sorry as many times as necessary:

· Until Australia recognises that injustice and inequality are still happening to Indigenous Australians  – and even more since the ‘Intervention.’

· Until justice and equality are restored to all Australians

· Until saying sorry means we won’t do it again

Some ways to continue listening and journeying:

· Meet with and listen to Christian Indigenous Australian Leaders.

We have seen momentum building with some break throughs and amazing moments of truth and relational unity. In Melbourne in recent weeks at Ngiyaani, Surrender and at our TM prayer meeting we have heard from Rev Uncle Graham Paulson, Rev Uncle Ray Minnecon, Billy Williams, Auntie Jean Phillips, Lloyd and Gay-Marie Hollingsworth and Steven Watson.


According to Fr Daniel Berrigan, “That’s not the real question. The real question is around, ‘Are we working at community? Are we working at listening? Are we serious about the world? And how is that showing itself? What is our sense of one another in the larger circle of suffering in the city and in our world?”


Understanding and Connecting with our Indigenous Bros and Sis

The inalienable God given rights of life, liberty and property* are still being denied to  most Indigenous Australians through our ongoing failure to close the gap in life span; to implement the recommendations of Deaths in Custody and to see the right to land ownership restored to its original custodians. *Elizabeth Kotlowski, In Southland of the Holy Spirit, pg20

The Government Intervention in the NT has further denied these rights, and now these same restrictions could apply Nationally. Aboriginal families have been denied the free use of their own money. This was said to be in the interest of protecting children, but has been rolled out across whole indigenous communities. Federal Government plans are to extend aspects of the Northern Territory intervention in indigenous communities to all welfare recipients – first in the territory, then countrywide.

“Rather than do away with failing policy, new legislation will allow the compulsory welfare quarantining to be extended to “areas of disadvantage” around the country. This will start across the NT from July 2010. Draconian measures such as compulsory acquisition of Aboriginal land and extreme police powers have been rebadged “special measures” under the RDA.” http://stoptheintervention.org


Read the National Indigenous Times: building a bridge between Australia’s black and white communities. www.nit.com.au/



Events Calendar – Updated: 22 February 2010

Updated: 22 February 2010

Updated Events: RED

TM Events: *******

Information on the Regular Citywide Events: At the End

2010 SCHOOL TERMS: 1 Feb to 26 March        12 April to 25 June 12 July to 17 Sept           4 Oct to 17 Dec



Mon 22nd – Fri 26th Feb


Caleb provides a complete leadership training program that empowers pastors and Christian Leaders to grow and perform with renewed effectiveness. Competencies for effective team leadership, confidence and enthusiasm that lasts, models an affirming relational approach, motivation for spiritual growth. Other Blocks are 12-16 April and 31May – 4June. Contact info@caleb.org.au or see www.caleb.org.au or call 1300 767 444.

Tues 23rd Feb – Sat 10th April


The Indigenous Hospitality House, with the Justice and International Mission Unit and the Centre for Theology and Ministry, presents this unique opportunity. A course exploring what it means to live on land claimed unjustly.  Using Biblical and current sources we will explore what it means to give and receive hospitality on Aboriginal land, and how hospitality leads to healing.

When? Six Tuesdays in Lent; starting Feb 23 and final session on Sat April 10

Shared Meal:  6:30PM    Workshop:  7:00PM

Where? Church of All Nations, 180 Palmerston St Carlton

Cost:   $70

Places are limited, so book early!

Bookings:  IHH – 9387 7557 – house@ihh.org.au www.ihh.org.au

Friday 26th Feb


Calvary Worship Centre has a vision to see churches coming together as one in worship. The Senior Minister David Fernandes spearheads this event for at least 8 years and carries the expenses as well as run the show. Featuring guest speakers – Natalie Ruiz Catrina Henderson and Clement Chow.

Where? 20 Springvale Plaza, 782-806 Heatherton Road, Springvale 3172 Melway 79H12

When? 7pm

Fri 26th -Sat 27th Feb


Prepare to be inspired by one of the world’s most passionate child advocates, Dr Wes Stafford (President of Compassion International, author of “Too Small to Ignore: Why Children are the Next Big Thing”) the wide range of electives include “Foundations for Effective Preschool Sunday programs”, “Winning with Boys”, “Great Programming Ideas for Tight Budgets”, “Understanding Culture to Engage Kids”, “Classroom Management”, “The Bible and Prayer”, “Leadership” and “Sustainable life in Ministry”. Remember that overnight accommodation is available nearby!. Hosted at Careforce Church Mt Evelyn. For more information see www.mtconline.org.au.



Contact Michael & Pamela McCrohan (Family Foundations International Fcilitators):Ph. 9560 8189 / Mob. 0404 157 127 or mmccrohanfsa@yahoo.com.au

MARCH 2010

Wed 3rd Mar

CEO DIALOGUE—FOCUS: SHARED SERVICES: A CMA CEO Dialogue—for Leaders of Christian Churches and Ministries

Special Note: This dialogue us normally restricted to larger organisations, but because of the focus of this meeting, CEOs of organisations of all sizes are welcome to attend.

CEO Dialogues represent unique opportunities to spend a morning with other CEOs

and discuss, confidentially, a range of topics related to leading a nonprofit Christian

ministry. It is not contentdriven, but more of a peer learning forum, with expert


At the last forum of 2009, a desire was expressed to consider the topic of ‘shared

services’ for the next dialogue—so that topic will form a significant part of this

morning. We have invited Paul Steele to attend as a guest presenter on this topic —

more information about Paul can be found by following the links from the page on

our website about this dialogue at www.cma.net.au/melbourne.

Facilitated by Philip Hunt (CEO of VicRelief Foodbank) with Special guest Paul Steele (Founder/Trustee at Catalyst Innovations).

When? 9.00am to 1pm

Where? The Tudor, 1101 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill

For more information contact Christian Management Australia PH: (07) 5545 2004 or

register online @ www.cma.net.au/melbourne

Fri 5th Mar


World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women, of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year, and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer and service. Initiated and carried out by women in more than 170 countries and regions. Symbolized by this annual day of celebration to which all people are welcome. It is a movement which brings together women of various races, cultures, and traditions in closer fellowship, understanding, and action throughout the year. More details closer to the time. See www.worlddayofprayer.net

Fri 5 – Sun 8 Mar


At Belgrave Heights Convention Centre. SURRENDER is now run by a group of passionate organisations including the original founders, UNOH as well as Concern Australia, Djaywunti (A network of Indigenous ministries), Just Salvos (the social justice department of the Salvation Army), TEAR Australia, Urban Seed & the Victorian Council of Christian Education (VCCE). We’ve also got some great new partner groups and churches coming on board to see the life changing message of SURRENDER continue. It’s our prayer that SURRENDER will:Help inspire and equip you and your church to connect with those facing poverty in your local communities, Present a theology and practical steps to help address issues facing Indigenous Australians, Highlight examples of incarnational and integral mission as well as training opportunities, Provide an informal environment to explore these issues further. 2:30-4:30pm. Sharing will be Aunty Jean Phillips, Rev Ray Minniecon, Rev Graham Paulson and Ps. Billy Williams.

Afternoon tea will be served and there is no cost for this event although you will have an opportunity to make a donation to the work of Indigenous ministries.

Please join us at this unique gathering as together we all seek God’s spirit and continued guidance in working for justice, recognition, healing and honour in our nation.

RSVP Contact: Anne Green agreen@plc.vic.edu.au 9888 9873. www.surrender.org.au.

Wed 18-Sat 20 Mar


The Sex.God.Life 2010 Gathering will provide the emerging generation of Australian Christian leaders with two days and nights of equipping from some of the world’s leading communicators on issues of brokenness, hope and redemption. Hosted by Roundabout Ministries, (serving Australian churches for the last five years with quality events and resources on issues related to sexual/relational brokenness), SexGodLife2010 is practical specialist training for current and future Christian leaders, (youth/young adult leaders, youth pastors/workers, chaplains, counsellors, pastoral care workers and senior church leaders), who desire to be better equipped for ministry to a hurting world. SexGodLife 2010 will also provide great encouragement and support for Christians who are struggling with areas of brokenness in their personal lives.

Keynote Communicators: Sy Rogers, (USA), Shawn McDonald (USA), Stu Larsen, The Backyard Bard, Adrian Rowse & Kimberly Smith

For more information go to www.thefight.com.au/sexgodlife2010

Venue: Syndal Baptist Church, Melbourne Contact Adrian Rowse planetrowse@gmail.com

Sat 20th Mar


It’s time…for those living throughout Western Victoria to register for the Refresh Conference taking place in Geelong on March 20. Suitable for those in involved in local congregations or local schools (eg. through CRE, Kids Hope or Chaplaincy), electives on offer include “Using Music with Children”, “Responding to Story through Art”, “Engaging All Ages in Worship”, “Growing Faith at Home”, “Creative Puppetry“ and “Children, Death and Divorce”.

For more information go to “Refresh” Conference or e-mail chris.barnett@ctm.uca.edu.au.

Sat 20th Mar


Miracle Education invites Christian educators and ALL who have a ministry into schools to a FREE breakfast. The breakfast begins with yummy food followed by an inspirational speaker then a time of praise and worship. GUEST SPEAKER: Stephen Leslie.

Time: 8am -10.30am

Cost: Free for Christian Educators, $20 for others

Venue: The Sebel Albert Park, 65 Queens Rd, Melbourne

To Register: PH: (02) 9973 1568 or visit http://www.mired.com.au/teachers-breakfasts

The theme for the breakfasts and the conference is ANOINTED for SERVICE based on Isaiah 61:1-3.

Fri 26th Mar- Sun 28th Mar

SOAKING WEEKEND: Abide in Jesus’ Presence

People from across Australia will gather again at 7.30pm at Melbourne Airport Christian Outreach Centre – 48 Katrina Drive Gladstone Park. Contact: Ps David Michael macoc@netspace.net.au 9335 4339, www.macoc.org.au

Sat 27th – Sun 28th Mar

********* ALL NIGHT PRAYER VIGIL To End the 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting

7.30pm Saturday – 7.30am Sunday: at Arrow on Swanston – Level 10, 488 Swanston St, Melbourne. Contact: Sue Tinworth sue@transformingmelbourne.org or call 0418 389 419.

Sun 28th Mar


Sun 28th Mar

AWAKENING PEACE MARCH. Palm Sunday 28th March: Let’s Make Peace Possible – End The Waste Of War. Meet outside the State Library, Swanston St, Melbourne for an ecumenical Christian service at 1.45pm and the march at 2.30pm. Victorian Council of Churches. See www.awakening.org.au


Fri 2nd April


Fri 2nd April


Good Friday 6pm – until dawn. Praying the prayers of local school children. See www.awakening.org.au.

Sun 4th April


Sun 4th April


See www.awakening.org.au.

Sun 4th April


As the final public event of the Easter week, the Easter Sunday March of Hope is a significant moment for the Body of Christ to be together bringing the message of Easter to our city and State. In 2010, we hope to have people from various backgrounds and ethnic groups to wear their traditional costumes as they march.

Each year, an open festival environment that welcomes everyone to participate, and work hard to make the event as accessible as possible. Free entertainment and activities are provided for children and families, such as face painting, balloon sculpting, bubble blowing and craft activities, along with a stage program full of local performers. The official part of the program includes the address from an official church representative. Past representatives include the Anglican Archbishop, Tim Costello and Paul Cameron who is chaplain to the Richmond football team. We also use the occasion to ‘send off’ a bus/coach with young people as they begin a trip to Uluru as part of a cultural exchange and reconciliation program “Journey to the Heart.” This event is widely recognised and supported as important by Christians across Melbourne.

Further details can be obtained through Kitty Cheng (0411 838 966).



Express your faith through action! In May 2010, over 1000 young people from across the nation are road tripping to Canberra to MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY.

Be part of the experience that brings together a generation of young people who know that a world without extreme poverty can exist. Join Evermore, Pete Murray, Bliss n Eso, Grinspoon, Diafrix, Lisa Mitchell and hundreds of other likeminded people in leading the movement to end extreme poverty.

Create the world you want to live in by:

· Spending a week traveling to Canberra with 1000 other passionate young people.

· Participating in media stunts such as flash mobs.

· Generating real political change through meeting with MPs.

· Speaking at schools and meeting with businesses to raise awareness.

Get on board the road trip of a lifetime to MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY! www.theROADTRIP.com.au. Contact:  Peter Willisp.willis@theoaktree.org

T.B.A  Approx End of May 2101


Pastor Daniel will be leading a team from CTFM and Rise Up Australia . The cost will be around $3100 from Melbourne. This includes roundtrip airfares, all airport taxes, food, accommodation, and additional travel expenses. This is a fantastic price for an all inclusive tour of Israel. One of our main objectives in this very first trip to Israel for Pastor Daniel is to fulfil a prophetic mandate that the Lord gave him and CTFM 3 years ago. It is to have a prayer and worship service near the Eastern Gate (Golden Gate) to prepare the way for the King of Glory, the 2nd Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! For information see www.catchthefire.com.au .

Sun 23th May


Sun 23th May


See www.globaldayofprayer.com Closer to the time.

Sat 29th May

“STORIES OF CHILDHOOD” Playgroup/Pre-school Conference

For ministers, church leaders, playgroup leaders, Sunday School teachers and anyone involved in serving families with pre-schoolers, this “Stories of Childhood” Conference will be well worth the journey to Parkville. With a fantastic keynote speaker and a range of practical electives this will be a great day. 9.30am – 3pm. For more information contact The Centre for Theology and Ministry Phone: 03 9340 8800 or Email: info@ctm.uca.edu.au


11th -14th June

CHRISTIANS FOR BIBLICAL EQUALITY (CBE), 23rd International Conference
The conference venue is the Jasper Hotel, 489 Elizabeth St Melbourne. Nearly forty speakers are coming from around Australia and from overseas. The workshops and seminars at the conference are in three streams:

1.The biblical and theological framework for equality,

2. Gender in the Australian church and culture, and

3. Equality and justice on the global scene.

For more information or to register go to www.cbe.org.au


Sun 4th Sun 11th July


See www.naidoc.org.au NAIDOC – The National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee. Today, NAIDOC is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and an opportunity to recognize the contributions of Indigenous Australians in various fields. Activities take place across the nation during this week. All Australians are encouraged to participate.

Thu 29th –Sat 31st July

MORE CONFERENCE with Bill & Beni Johnson

Registrations will open on 1st March 2010. We have already had a great deal of interest in this conference, and the last More Conference sold out in less than a month. So to avoid disappointment get in early. Stay tuned for more information www.cccw.org.au/conferences

Sat 31st July

“OVERFLOW” Children & Families and Youth & Young Adult Training Day

For churches across Victoria and Tasmania seeking to engage more effectively with children & families and youth, this training day is a source of great encouragement and equipping for ministry. Featuring a wide variety of experienced presenters, this is an event not to be missed. 9am – 4pm. For more information contact The Centre for Theology and Ministry Phone: 03 9340 8800 or Email: info@ctm.uca.edu.au



To office@transformingmelbourne.org Short summaries as per the above examples are the most efficient and quick way to have an event publicized.
This EVENTS CALENDAR is provided as a gift to the Church
But we are reliant on your financial support to maintain this and other aspects of Melbourne Pastors Network / Transforming Melbourne. (Inc ABN: 23 457 205 519)
Donations can be made via our link to Paypal; http://www.pastornet.net.au/mpn/tmdonation.htm or through “Becoming a Partner” on our website www.transformingmelbourne.org



******* TM Monthly Prayer Meeting in East Bentleigh

Please come and pray with us. 7.30pm on the 3rd Monday of each month come with people from across Melbourne to pray together for God’s transformation of our city.

Venue: The TM Office, Room 66, Barry Neve Building, 90 Bignell Rd, East Bentleigh. (This was a school, but is now called Moorleigh Community Village. TM office is at the rear of the middle building.)

******* TM Weekly Prayer Meetings in Maroondah

Sundays 6.00-8.30pm in the Community Centre in the village at 21 Neilson St, Bayswater.

(Mel 64G5) Contact: Jackie Nair nairjackie@gmail.com 0448 973 631

******* TM Monthly Prayer Meetings in Maroondah

3rd Thursday of each month. @ Ringwood Church of Christ, 9-11 Bedford Rd Ringwood. This faithful group would welcome new members to join them in praying for Maroondah. Contact: Russell Kilgour 9547-11129. russellkanga@optusnet.com.au

******* TM Monthly Prayer Meetings in East Bentleigh: Prayer for Our City’s TRANSFORMATION

3rd Monday of each month 7.30-9.30pm @ the TM Office, Room 66, Barry Neve Building, 90 Bignell Rd, East Bentleigh. (Rear of the middle building in the Moorleigh Community Village.) Join us in prayer for Melbourne. Enquiries: sue@transformingmelbourne.org


First Wednesday of month 1.30 – 2-30pm at 17 Daniel St Burwood. Contact Anne Green 0488 700 882


6pm first Saturday of each month except January. An emerging citywide expression for the church of Melbourne, Australia. It is both a celebration and a process. God is calling His people into a new ecclesia, the one church of the city. Extended times of worship and teaching on the re-forming of church. Venue: “Arrow on Swanston” 488 Swanston St, Carlton. For info see www.lifemessenger.org or phone 8320 3700 or email admin@lifeexpedition.org Meetings convened by the Melbourne Leadershift Group & hosted by Life Expedition.


Throughout the remainder of December and the month of January, the Holy Spirit Fire and Healing meetings will be held only on Sunday nights beginning at 6:30pm. After the 4th December there will be no more Friday night services until February 2010. Held at Catch The Fire Apostolic Centre at 23 Melverton Dr. in Hallam. Melway ref: 96 G 2


Commencing at 10am each Friday (Commencing 19th Feb) join this pilgrimage run by Melbourne City of Churches in Action. Starts from St Francis Cnr Elizabeth & Lonsdale St, Melbourne and goes for approximately 2hours. Contact: Rev Peter Gador-Whyte peterg@netspace.net.au or call 0417 425 188



Events Newsletter



Inspiring and connecting a citywide movement of people
who will partner with God, each other and city leaders
for the transformation of Melbourne.

Calendar of Citywide Christian Events in Melbourne


To office@transformingmelbourne.org Short summaries as per the below examples are the most efficient and quick way to have an event publicized.

This EVENTS CALENDAR is provided as a gift to the Church

But we are reliant on your financial support to maintain this and other aspects of Melbourne Pastors Network / Transforming Melbourne. (Inc ABN: 23 457 205 519)

Donations can be made via our link to Paypal;  http://www.pastornet.net.au/mpn/tmdonation.htm or through “Becoming a Partner” on our website www.transformingmelbourne.org

Updated Events: RED

Country/Interstate Events: Green

TM Events: Blue

Regular Citywide Events: At the End

2010 SCHOOL TERMS: 1 Feb to 26 March 12 April to 25 June 12 July to 17 Sept 4 Oct to 17 Dec


What You Tolerate You Will Never Change

There are many serious and urgent issues the Church and the City of Melbourne. The Bible tells us are far from God’s plan, and that He is able to turn these situations around – through us, His people – unless we tolerate them and make no serious effort to change.
The Church as a whole provides vast levels of welfare and care to the people of Melbourne, and is doing some wonderful things, but it is still declining in attendance and influence.  And despite efforts by some individual churches, there is no effective plan for intentional mission to our city by the Church.  Without spiritual renewal the welfare and other great things cannot be sustained.

TM undertook the 18-month research of the whole Church to give a clear picture of the situation as a basis for a response we (the Church) could make that would turn around these trends.

While maybe 70% of the population have had some contact with the Church, and 57% identify as “Christian”, these “contacts” are rarely developed as opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus.  Despite the great resources in the Church, with 1700 over churches and over 3000 Christian mission and ministry organizations, it is estimated only about 5000 come to faith each year in the Church.  TM research indicates about 200 people a week cease to attend church and less than 20% of the population and only 8% of people under 34 attend about monthly.  The people groups largely absent from the Church include professional people, those less educated, single or divorced or in de facto relationships, or blue collar workers, or under 34.
Most of the City is outside the Church with no real idea what it is or what it stands for.  Many see it as useless or a problem to get rid of.
Transforming Melbourne believes this situation is intolerable and that there are clear biblical responses we could take to see the urgent change that is needed. For the sake of the Church that we hand on to our children, and more importantly for the future of our City which depends on the Church and the Christian faith more than it knows. – But how could it know how vital the Gospel is if we don’t know, and we tolerate its decline!  

